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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/4/5 21:13:01 Edit(编辑)
Ma recalled the “failed“: 24 people went to KFC to apply, only I was eliminated,

Ma recalled the “failed“: 24 people went to KFC to apply, only I was eliminated,(马云回忆“失败经历”:24人去肯德基应聘,只有我被淘汰,)



Ma recalled the "failed": 24 people went to KFC to apply, only I was eliminated-Ma, Alibaba-IT information

The afternoon of March 23, MA invited to "global transformation Forum", with nearly 3,000 students from Malaysia and talk to other entrepreneurs and young people in 20 countries.

Ma said he used to be a teacher, the teacher's duty is to share and inspire. He said a lot of things, and doing a lot of speeches. Some people may be annoyed, but he would like to share with young people as much as possible.

Ma first of all to share their experiences of many failed entrepreneurs and young people. "I Shang has 7 years only completed middle school, and family with has 5 years; I wants to into focus junior high school, focus high school are failed has, test University I failed has 3 times; then application work I failed has almost 30 times, when high school graduated wants to in KFC find a copies work, 24 a people to has, 23 a people was admitted, I is only no was hired of; I try with to test police, 5 a students to, 4 a was admitted, I is that didn't was admitted of; began Alibaba venture Shi, I see has over 30 a investors, No one wants to vote for us. ”

Ma said that he had made so many mistakes, every failure, every time someone refuses, take it as a training session. Wrong makes him special.

Meanwhile, MA also said, there are many books about himself, on the company's books, but all of these books were not written by him. He doesn't think you should write a book. Because when someone starts writing a book about his book, that he was old, and the retired.

However, Ma said, if he really wanted to write a book, the title will be Ali Baba and 1001 error.

马云回忆“失败经历”:24人去肯德基应聘,只有我被淘汰 - 马云,阿里巴巴 - IT资讯







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