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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/21 3:32:07 Edit(编辑)
World sleep day: take anything to save our sleep? ,

World sleep day: take anything to save our sleep? ,(世界睡眠日:拿什么拯救我们的睡眠?,)



World sleep day: take anything to save our sleep? -World day of sleep, insomnia-IT information

Overtime, brush cell phone before going to bed, sleep difficulties ... ... In the current fast pace of social life in China, many people become insufficient sleep, sleep well, "students", a city was "specifically in reference to sleep."

8 hours of sleep, how far is it from us? Natural sleep wake up when it is no longer a luxury? On March 21, world sleep day is coming, again raised the issue of concern.

▲ The 2017 insomnia Atlas survey of Chinese Internet users: recent 80% participant had experience insomnia, with the highest proportion of Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Changsha, Beijing, followed by

Insomnia on a map of Chinese youth

Sleepy and yawning in the Metro every day, and fell to the bed at night unable to sleep, this is the white-collar in Beijing Li Chi in normal life. 34 years old he is now a staff of a foreign company in Beijing, compared with pay rises and promotion now, he wanted a good night's sleep can leave work early every day.

"Sleep atleast 8 hours a day is just wishful thinking, after the units often work overtime until 10 o'clock, lay in bed is already 12 points, wood the whole person, and not immediately fall asleep. "Li Chi said that he had did not remember when was the last time natural sleep wake up, in just the past week, because of overtime, he slept only 5 hours per day on average.

A private enterprise in Shanghai He Yazhen faced similar problems.

"On the day, go home and lay in bed very tired, but I just want to sleep, brush your phone after 12 o'clock, almost every day. "He Yazhen said.

Li Chi and He Yazhen are but a microcosm of many of China's young people.

Recently a copies reflect Chinese insomnia status of "insomnia map" popular network, this copies name for 2017 China netizens insomnia map of survey report displayed, from China 362 a city of 8,567 copies effective questionnaire in the, near 80% of participants had has insomnia experience, which Shanghai accounted for than highest, up 87.76%, Guangzhou, and Changsha, and Beijing, and Shenzhen, city followed subsequently, line city became "deficiency sleep hit".

And another copy by the China sleep research society published in 2017 China sleep status report on results is not optimistic-about 60,010 among respondents aged 45 years, 76% of those surveyed said sleeping difficulties, of which more than 13% even in a State of pain, only 24% of those surveyed said sleeping overall in good condition.

? A scenic spot in Chongqing staff wearing "world sleep day" mask

What is Rob us of sleep?

Li Chi said, "no time to sleep" was the main reason. But for civil servants in Beijing when 28 year old girl Yang Miao, insomnia is more pressure from spirit.

"More emergency work, make yourself nervous and can't sleep well. Finally looking forward to a rest day, be tempted to stay up late at night, at 6 o'clock in the morning and wake up automatically. "Yang Miao said, seemed to have anything pressing himself forever, not at ease sleeping.

Yang Miao's story is not alone, the 2017 China sleep status report shows that 60% per cent of respondents would sacrifice sleep to get the job done. Even if working overtime to finish the work, they would still choose to sleep, but East West, suffers from "late procrastination", has been unwilling to send away the day.

In addition, the Chinese sleep research society staff believes that, in addition to factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, sleep accomplice, China electronic product is stolen.

Survey 93% of respondents play phone before going to bed, the crowd is always very concerned about the beauty of reading content, 2 o'clock in the morning when the phone still maintained a very active state.

"I know it's boring, but is reluctant to put down the phone at night, after dinner and started to play phone, episodes, chat app, without knowing the 12 points. "As a" mobile phone dependence "victims of white-collar workers in Beijing Chen Jing told reporters that the past few years, their average time spent on the phone every night are close to 2 hours.

? March 20, 2017, the eve of world sleep day, held in Peking University people's hospital clinic activities

Insomnia just how scary?

In 2015, China sleep Foundation sleep advice is given for different ages – newborn sleep 14-17 hours a day, 3-5 children's 10-13 hours, 6-13, school-aged children 9-11 hours, young people aged 14-17 8-10 hours and 7-9 hours of sleep in adults, old people over the age of 65 7-8 hours.

Measured by these standards, many people can not sleep, including Li Chi standards.

2017 insomnia map survey of Chinese Internet users, has 31.84% Internet users in the survey participants indicated that they would have appeared groggy lethargy during the day for a short time, and then sleep at night.

Yuping Wang, Xuanwu hospital, capital Medical University Department of Neurology Director, which belongs to the occasional insomnia and occasional insomnia from acute insomnia, can lead to decreased attention the next day, excitable, fatigue and other symptoms, have the potential to increase traffic accidents, injuries from happening.

In addition, acute, occasional insomnia if left untreated, can progress to subacute or chronic insomnia and somatic diseases.

"Insomnia mainly affect the function of the day, appeared sluggish, drowsiness, and chronic insomnia can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complication, resulting in higher incidence of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and so on. "Peking University people's Hospital of respiratory medicine physician Dong Xiao song said to reporters.

? March 20, 2017, wine town of Fuling in Chongqing "healthy sleep away from chronic diseases" theme activities

What to save our sleep?

In 2001, the International Foundation for mental health and neuro Sciences March 21 of each year as "world sleep day" aims to draw attention on the importance of sleep and the sleep quality, drawn attention to sleep health and quality.

The World Health Organization to 14 countries and regions 25,916 survey of clinic patients found, 27% of people with sleep problems.

"Sleep tight" is not an easy thing for many people. Insomnia on a map of how can we save our sleep?

Peking University people's hospital psychiatric Qu Shan view, measures to improve the quality of sleep is nothing more than a simple two-point-good, scientific work and rest time sleep disturbances found lasting time to normal hospitals.

She said that because of the insomnia caused by many factors, such as tumors, hyperthyroidism, drug reaction, drug addiction, etc, so when insomnia symptoms occur, should be timely medical treatment. Patients can go to Neurology or determine causes of insomnia such as sleep, such as organic disease excluded, you'd want to go mental Department and, if necessary, medication.

However, I believe that many young people are sleep and save sleep is perhaps the best way to lay down their mobile phone, go to bed early start.

Respondents requested, some character names in the text.

世界睡眠日:拿什么拯救我们的睡眠? - 世界睡眠日,失眠 - IT资讯





































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