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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/18 8:36:16 Edit(编辑)
Cell phone Trojan industrial chain “shady“: stealing, looting and lying to three types of clear division of labor,

Cell phone Trojan industrial chain “shady“: stealing, looting and lying to three types of clear division of labor,(手机木马产业链“黑幕”:偷、抢、骗三类分工明确,)



Cell phone Trojan industrial chain "shady": stolen, robbed and cheated three types of clear-cell phones, Trojan-IT information

Trojans chain involves a lot of links, cross-border crime, increase the difficulty of combating, became a global problem. Trojan horse belongs to the high-tech crime and governance program in addition to relevant departments to crack down on outside, as well as handset vendors, security software companies, telecommunications operators form a cohesive force between. One alone, it is difficult to completely cut off the horse industry chain

Cell phone Trojan, this concept is no stranger to mobile phone owners. However, for complex industrial chain behind cell phone Trojan, most people are not necessarily fully understood.

Recently, some Internet security platform issued the report on 2016 Android malware, Trojans for mobile and the underlying analysis of the industry chain. Reporter for the legal daily found that cell phone Trojan industrial chain has become a prominent security Internet security risks.

Cell phone Trojans three categories

Blackmail sex fishing software

2016 Android malware thematic reports published by the 360 Mobile guard. In this report, researchers found that, in all kinds of malware, several "classic" type is still against the user's primary category, fishing software, pornography, extortion software player into the mainstream, and the threat of the stubborn trojans is becoming extremely difficult to detect phone system security problems.

This copies report think, fishing software usually to carefully design of false page, and induced sex of text pictures to pretend really; fishing software of purpose is "stole", not only can will user in false page Shang entered of including bank card, and account password, important privacy information for return, also will steal user phone in the of SMS, and contact, information, through wrongful means collection user important personal information, against user privacy and property security.

Fishing software "stealing" is different, Ransomware aims to "grab". Researchers found that domestic software extortion target population of infection, are some of the people who frequented the paste, there is hope for all kinds of so-called "weapon" "plug-in" game QQ Group Member, such people are overwhelmingly 00 or after the user.

In addition, the sex player software designed to "trick", mainly in the induced recharge, malicious service and advertising as a means of profit, and this type of software is good at mastering needs, temptation and are most likely to hit. Meanwhile, obscene player software plays a role of other Trojan family media, such as "gypsy moth" and "best brain worms" Trojan family, player software will often use pornography propagation, infecting millions of mobile devices.

"For users, mobile phone security awareness is lacking. People often install anti-virus software to your computer, cell phone is not necessarily. "China University intellectual property Center special researcher Zhao occupation said.

This report also believes that with the development of Internet technology and universal, effective on prevention of malware, malicious software developers began research and development of new technologies. Use social engineering to grab the user's mental weaknesses, through the interface, malicious hijacking forced access to sensitive information using legal procedures, using simple tools to reduce costs and fragmentation codes to avoid killing as well as more advanced techniques are becoming malicious developers "evil weapon."

In addition, on the means of transmitting malicious programs, criminals use a variety of channels spread nets, user-intensive "false base station" device is one of them. Reports researchers found that criminals usually used "false base station + fishing + mobile Trojan" method for phishing scams, malware spreading Android. Added link to user perception of very low redirect infections spread across platforms and technologies, cell phone malware aggression more and more.

Not long ago, the Chinese Ministry of public security Criminal Investigation Bureau issued a reminder: "the back has encountered such a pack of people, call the police! "According to media reports, they are" carrying a backpack, or use public transport or on foot, hanging out in downtown all the way into tourism ' backpacker ' attitude. Open the package, there are ' upgraded ' version of the mini ' pseudo-base station ' "," backpack Max is characterized by a cooling of the cave ".

Mobile phone "black" very active

Combat control into a global problem

According to media reports, last year, Jinhua city, Zhejiang Province, the public security organs uncovered a specialized Trojan virus cases of fraudulent credit card, cracked the series over more than 300 cases involving more than 10 million Yuan. Aim for mutual profit illegally, the fraud ring to form "supply, marketing, production, and sale of" a complete industrial chain. In Zhejiang Province alone, there are more than 100,000 people received such messages, tens of thousands of cell phone Trojan.

This report, based on the traditional forms of crime "black" side, cross-platform Telecom fraud, private Lottery gambling and mobile phone extortion "black" overactive; based on enterprise-class business cooperation "black", the obscene player promotion relevant traffic "black" shows an explosive growth trend.

Data provided in the report show that in 2016, extortion "black" returns over millions of Yuan. To flow "black produced" scale for cases, single from erotic play device of intercepted volume view, on reached has 8 million, assumed to minimum of infection volume (that each sample average infection one phone) to projections, in 8 million times infection in the, only installation produced of cash flow on in 16 million Yuan to 64 million Yuan Zhijian (each application of installation costs in 2 to 8 Yuan Zhijian), and sample of actual average infection volume great Yu minimum infection volume, so installation produced of cash flow as far away as 16 million Yuan on.

Based on the traditional forms of crime "black" and based on enterprise-class business cooperation "black", the difference between the two is:

In based on traditional crime form of "black industry" in the, across platform telecommunications fraud, and private color gambling and phone extortion, industry for typical of to interests for Center for spontaneous organization of way: across platform telecommunications fraud in the of fraud who to fraud money for purpose, through social relations spontaneous organization up, Division for multiple "designed make" team, each "designed make" team further subdivision for "line" "second-tier" and "wire"; private color gambling in the of cheat who to cheat type gambling cheat lottery of money for purpose, Spontaneously organized through social tools, Division of labor as "big house", "small house", and "copy"; of Ransomware blackmailer blackmail for money purposes, by spontaneously organized forums or social networking software, to "Communicator" for the main role in dissemination of Ransomware blackmail users.

Operational cooperation at the enterprise level "black", the obscene player promotion relevant traffic "black" is a typical business-centric ways for business cooperation: developers, advertisers and site owners to advertising promotion of business cooperation, according to their respective company's original business the ability to complete business contracts in the "mission".

Report also think, due to based on enterprise level business cooperation of "black industry" has more strong of technology strength and more can integration of resources, mobile platform "black industry" of overall development trend, is by based on traditional crime form of "black industry" to based on enterprise level business cooperation of "black industry" transition, its scale will constantly expanded and occupy mobile "black produced" of led status.

"Dark industry chain has some soil, there is a demand. From a technical point of view, there is no good solution, because the vulnerability is always there, mainly by increase the intensity of combat, discipline. "Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of information engineering, State Key Laboratory of information security dongdai Lin said.

"Trojan chain involves a lot of links, cross-border crime, increase the combat difficulty, became a global problem. This is a high-tech way of crime and crime, in addition to combat, management of the departments concerned, as well as handset vendors, security software companies, telecommunications operators form a cohesive force between. One alone, it is difficult to completely cut off the Trojans industrial chain. Closed nature of Apple's mobile phone system is stronger, for phone audit of the application of bigger, more expensive, so illegal application on the iPhone would be less, but it doesn't mean you can stop all illegal and criminal activities, as some phishing sites, phone systems are hard to prevent. "Occupation of Zhao said.

Civil accountability remains difficult

Security awareness needs to be enhanced

The above analysis report to predict the future threat trends, that banking is still a Trojan attack hotspot, mobile platform is the hardest-hit areas of Ransomware, malicious software and system updates will continue fighting, threats against corporate mobile office will increase against Internet threats will also be expanded. Meanwhile, continued targeted attacks against high-level objectives will be platform-wide development.

"In fact, Trojan developer for mobile phones and communicators of legal liability, there are relevant provisions in the law. The key question now is how to pursue research and development and dissemination of legal responsibility. From a civil point of accountability is difficult. User visits a Web site, and then be embedded Trojan, you may enter the bank account information, and the loss resulting from the theft. In this case, the Bank is not responsible for, and to go directly using the Trojans lead to information theft, to compensate for the loss of users. Of course, there is a premise that found the suspect's true identity before they can be prosecuted for civil liability, and to demand the return of money been tricked. However, when this occurs, rely solely on the individual to pursue, not realistic. One fundamental problem is that users can't even check the identity of the suspect. Therefore, the chain is dominated by criminal means to combat Trojans. "Occupation of Zhao said.

"In fact, we have been doing technical preventive measures, this is one of the more enduring topic, now is facing some difficulties. Trojan programs, are not easy to find developers. Work in this area with long-term. Currently is to improve safety awareness and early warning. Before using the system, the user has to go through security testing and see if loopholes; in the process of running, but also at any time to detect, monitor, identify vulnerabilities quickly made up. It's a bit like fire prevention, building fire-fighting facilities must be built, usually have to do preventive work. "Dongdai Lin said.

手机木马产业链“黑幕”:偷、抢、骗三类分工明确 - 手机,木马 - IT资讯






























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