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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/18 8:36:10 Edit(编辑)
3 were destroyed in Beijing shared bicycles in administrative detention

3 were destroyed in Beijing shared bicycles in administrative detention(北京3人因毁损共享单车被行政拘留)



3 were destroyed in Beijing shared bike-sharing bicycles in administrative detention, and thanks to cycling, ofo-IT information

Beijing, March 18, reporter from Beijing on the day police found, police recently investigated a number cases of violations against shared bicycles, some privately to share a bike lock, intentional destruction of shared bicycle lock offenders are punished.

On February 28, a shared bike company reported, in a Logistics Park Road, Tongzhou district found an electronic lock is destroyed, and private shared cycling lock was installed, the police investigation will be illegal after Hu seized on March 12, police also seized two damaged cycling electronic lock locked man privately shared. Accountable according to the law, they are shared across mobile software rental bike, in order to free cars, and is easier to use, and damage to locks, locks without permission. Currently 3 offenders had been held in administrative detention.

Recently, a heat transfer online video show, a man who shared a bicycle lock was discovered by managers and an alarm , crossing the old criticism, this man anti-elderly "repairing". Reporters learned from the Beijing police, the police have been punished according to law of the man.

北京3人因毁损共享单车被行政拘留 - 共享单车,摩拜单车,ofo - IT资讯




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