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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/18 8:34:44 Edit(编辑)
H7N9 viruses into a “superbug“?

H7N9 viruses into a “superbug“?(H7N9病毒会变成“超级病毒”?)



H7N9 viruses into a "superbug"? | disease control | _ H7N9| virus news

> Data

Beijing News Alerts (reporter Li Dandan) last winter to this spring, H7N9 avian flu outbreak occurs in China. The outbreak of the virus in a number of new features, then H7N9 already or will in the future become a "superbug"? In this regard, the Chinese Center for disease control and prevention, said today that the answer is no.

H7N9 avian flu since the outbreak of viruses from the spring of 2013, through a total of 5 peak, compared with the previous 4, 5th wave of the epidemic in the number of cases increased significantly greater and broader scope, distribution. In addition, in some cases, live poultry markets and environmental samples were found in poultry of highly pathogenic H7N9 avian influenza virus mutants; individual strains reduced susceptibility to drugs such as Tamiflu, peramivir.

So, H7N9 already or will in the future become a "superbug"? Disease control in this, the answer is no.

CDC explained, similar to the other subtype of avian influenza virus, H7N9 virus through direct contact with live birds or people of infection after exposure to live poultry-related environment. Direct contact with live birds, including in the absence of effective protection cases, hands touching live poultry fresh killed poultry or poultry or their blood, internal organs, eggs, secretions, excretions, such as biomass. Exposure to live poultry-related environment usually has to have live birds or live birds related to contaminated sites, such as live bird markets or selling live poultry stalls, and so on. H7N9 currently does not have a seasonal flu virus that sustained person-to-person transmission capacity, will not cause a pandemic.

Therefore, at present, despite individual H7N9 strain of neuraminidase drugs (such as Tamiflu, peramivir) resistance, but the vast majority of H7N9 avian flu virus is sensitive to these drugs, the drug is still effective drugs to treat H7N9. In addition, the who global influenza vaccine recommended in the end of February will be updated H7N9 strain, for H7N9 early to prepare.

Worth noting is that infected H7N9 avian flu outbreaks since the beginning of winter last year compared with the previous year has increased significantly, in order to reduce populations live or its related environmental exposure and several provinces in China for live poultry markets, operation of live birds and poultry transportation had taken strict measures and epidemic prevention and control effect in relevant area.

But, in the disease control reminded, crowd on H7N9 virus no immunity, and H7N9 virus infection Hou led to of high proportion heavy syndrome cases and high mortality serious against people life health security, so must has been on its keep alert, only continued advance modern farming, and improve biological security management level, and close live poultry market and change sales mode,, party has may from source Shang prevent people infection avian influenza virus.

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
CDC H7N9 virus

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The Beijing News

  新京报快讯(记者 李丹丹)去年冬季到今年春季,H7N9禽流感疫情在中国多地出现。此次疫情中该病毒出现了一些新的特点,那么H7N9是否已经或者将来会成为一个“超级病毒”?对此,中国疾病预防控制中心今日表示,答案是否定的。








疾控 H7N9 病毒


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