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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/8 3:10:01 Edit(编辑)
Taobao shop owners selling fake cat food, Ali, the prosecution claim 2.67 million Yuan and demanded an apology,

Taobao shop owners selling fake cat food, Ali, the prosecution claim 2.67 million Yuan and demanded an apology,(淘宝店主卖假猫粮,阿里起诉索赔267万元并要求道歉,)



Taobao shop owners selling fake cat food, Ali prosecution claims 2.67 million Yuan and demanded an apology-Taobao, Alibaba, fake-IT information

On March 8, Ali announced recently submitted petitions to the Shanghai Fengxian district people's Court, will sell a fake cat food Taobao shop owners to court, claims of 2.67 million Yuan, and demand a public apology.

Defendant Yao from January 2015 on Taobao sells pet food. In May 2016, Taobao found its sales in conjunction with Mars cat food suspected of fake , then purchased by the mysterious way, costs 99 Yuan in the shop to buy a bag of pet staple foods, and will receive a brand of cat food to the party were identified.

Through identification, verification code, QR code, packaging are the same as the original, but is open at the bottom were obvious traces of the high-temperature fusion, particle detection data standards are incompatible with genuine , are fakes, Taobao transfer the clues to the police.

October 2016, the police action jointly with Taobao, Mars, investigated Yao a business and living quarters, and caught it. There are suspected of selling fake Yao a case.

Ali did not disclose the sale amount.

In January this year, Alibaba had first indictments and sale shop, a shop selling counterfeit Swarovski, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, appealed to the Court , and the case is currently awaiting trial.

Ali said it had issued a long list of prepare lists of prosecution, planned for sale shop of an ongoing siege, will hunt for fakes.

淘宝店主卖假猫粮,阿里起诉索赔267万元并要求道歉 - 淘宝,阿里巴巴,打假 - IT资讯








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