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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/3/8 3:09:49 Edit(编辑)
Chinese College teachers wearing robes lectures: students back to the platform from the phone screen,

Chinese College teachers wearing robes lectures: students back to the platform from the phone screen,(中国高校老师穿龙袍讲课:要把学生从手机屏幕拉回讲台,)



Chinese College teachers wearing robes carefully to keep students from back stage-the cell phone screen mobile phones, the Emperor-IT information

Yesterday afternoon, a set of pictures on the Internet causes stir: a teacher in class the students wearing robes of the Qing dynasty, behind PPT reads "Emperor Daoguang Readme". The students scream "awesome, my teacher" new network of red, is the Faculty of ideological and political education of the generation of Jimei University teacher Dong Ligong, his main course-"outline of Chinese modern history". Last night, the reporter had an exclusive interview with Dong Ligong teacher, for you to reveal his "robes and" behind the story.

▲ "Emperor Daoguang" profile.

The original intention

Think back to the podium next to the student from the phone

Tung wore robes of rendering meritorious service class teaching someone complimented his intention to treat, some think he smacks of grandstanding, he taught himself defined as "an attempt to reform the teaching of ideological and political".

"Teacher on the stage in full flight, students in sleepy below, such knowledge does not make sense. "Dong Ligong University last fall to set from the beginning, notes that many students in the class somewhere else. In his view, the students in class, must be the teacher out of the question. So he set himself a test: how to visitors and students on the phone back to the podium?

In many people's minds, politics is mostly scripted. In the eyes of Dong Ligong, ideological and political courses, including the outline of Chinese modern history is important, can give students the correct values to boot.

For this reason, Dong Ligong has done a lot to try. He starts from the needs of the students, trying to find the "students enjoy the kind of ideological and political course" last fall, he by questionnaire survey of five hundred or six hundred students, results in the first place is the "watch video". So he likes, combining the content of each lesson, play the movie related topics, but over time, students feel eye strain, and "return" screen. And he played second to third move: build a QQ Group and students real-time interactive question-and-answer, Twitter interactive quiz, but the effect is limited.

▲ "Emperor Daoguang" resumes.

? Dong Ligong


Confessions to the Qing emperor into historical events

Turning point in this winter holiday. Mr Tung when observing lessons had an idea: is the first in the first class, with Emperor Daoguang Readme, showing it from birth to when the Emperor, as well as what to do with activities of Lin Zexu and the Opium War series, start small, and tells the history of the opium war.

Dong Ligong told his wife the idea the first time, his wife had voted: "are you grandstanding! "Dong Ligong did not give up and plead to the ideological and political leadership, leadership agreed, and to support its declaration to the municipal social sciences circles ' Union" sitcoms in history teaching method in ideological and political theory teaching effectiveness research "subjects, funding was approved. Funded Dong Ligong purchased the robes and other props.

"Today I'm going to by Emperor Daoguang's status, tell the history of the decline of the Qing dynasty. "On March 7, Dong Ligong in ordinary clothes came in, the students, as always, are lazy, and when he announced his own idea, and putting on robes, wearing the Crown for the first time, the students eyes light up, play an entire class didn't, Dong Ligong since harvest at a rare round of applause.

In this regard, the reporter throws a question: whether the attempt will be the same as before, students have the novelty of failure? Dong Ligong said that the ideological and political course is content-oriented, "if I wore robes of lectures a week, then don't become a gallery yet? "Dong Ligong introduction, he has written the screenplay, will allow students to wear clothing of the Qing dynasty, role of Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang in the Westernization movement," reform movement "Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, and let them learn in acting history. The show job three times a semester, scores account for the final score of 40%.


"I always like the Devil's advocate"

Born in 1980, Dong Ligong, Shuo Bo studied at the history Department of Xiamen University. In the view of many, he likes to write commentary, is a bold and sharp, creative person. He also admitted: "I've always liked a different tune. ”

He had in blog Shang published a article name for photo named not governance students truancy of panacea of commentary, he think students not lectures, may is teacher of teaching method out has problem; September 2012, he and another one University Professor accept newspaper reporter interview Shi, they a anti-"instant noodles is Japanese Ando hundred Fu invention" of assertion, proposed Shang century 20 generation Xiamen on production out has instant noodles; this year February 14, he also published articles, think Lianjiang offering sea ancient altar by worship of God not Matsu, But South China Sea God; he even points out two errors in the dictionary.

This is probably an "occupational disease". "I like the opposite of thinking from others. "Dong Ligong said, people are used to research the history, mining the truth from the document and put forward new ideas, compared to confirm old idea makes more sense.

中国高校老师穿龙袍讲课:要把学生从手机屏幕拉回讲台 - 手机,皇帝 - IT资讯






















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