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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/28 7:52:14 Edit(编辑)
Once Sade into Korea, China does not exclude South Korea “break“

Once Sade into Korea, China does not exclude South Korea “break“(一旦萨德入韩,中国不排除与韩“断绝关系”)



Once Sade in Korea did not rule out China and Korea "disown" Lotte | | Thad | relations between China and South Korea _ news

Once Sade into Korea, China does not exclude South Korea "break"

On 27th, Lotte Group Board of Directors decided that the deployment of Thad. South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported that if the two sides formally signed, will soon begin design and construction, Sade deployment can be completed in 5-7 months.

Situation on the peninsula is stirring again.

 Site selection

Why should I have to choose the deployment of Thad?

Last July, the South Korean Defence Ministry announced that Sade will be deployed in southeastern GyeongSang-bukdo Star State. But after the selection was announced for the first time, South Korea poll, opposition to this, but not long, and farmers there have been mass protests.

, The South in late August last year, the Government announced a survey of three other places. Eventually, they selected the Star State is also located in the County, and the site only dozens of kilometers of golf for the first time, on the grounds that "higher ground".

Official said, more than 200 kilometers from Seoul, you can override the South Korean capital. But the island uncle, real consideration is: first, in the realization of what they called "try not to stimulate China's" at the same time, covered two bases in the South of the US military in South Korea; second, the area is home to conservative forces in South Korea, Park Geun-Hye's hometown is nearby, is the base of conservatives and the far right. Deployment here, not only in the far right without too much opposition against Sadr who have nothing to say.

And yet another must mention is the Lotte group itself.


As the world's top 500, one of South Korea's five major group, Lotte in South Korea, there is great interest in China. But they are under a number of "stress".

First of all, according to Korean media reports, while the Lotte duty-free shop is Asia's largest duty-free chain, but in order to get more privileges of duty-free shops, Lotte Cui Shunshi was involved in the case, under threat from authorities in South Korea's pressure.

May has two a news everyone are no note to: last year July, Lotte founder of female for involved "huge funds and misappropriated company money" was arrested; 2 months Hou, is in new of location determine in this a golf field zhihou soon, and has Han media message said, due to "suspected corruption heavily and violation trust responsibility", Seoul central place prosecutorial office on Lotte President, and group founder of child Xin Dongbin application arrested makes.

Secondly, although large amounts of objects, but they are not "pure" South Korean companies, but in Japan Japanese Han Qiao, returning after the development of real people in charge are mostly Japanese. Why the South Korean Government could take land deployment of Thad of Samsung, LG, Lotte pick? So, not only is military pressure, even Japan may play a significant role in this.

Similarly, in case of escalation of the situation on the peninsula, South Korean conservative forces within the country, the public also have pressure on the Lotto, it rose to "patriotic" level. A few days ago, South Korean domestic media have been discussing a question: If Lotte agreed to hand over the land, this "patriotic losses", should have some compensation?

So, in beat, under advice from countries such as China, Rakuten will still make such a decision, as they say, "is a South Korean company after all."

 Tai Chi

About Sade to Lotte's influence is significant. Not to mention the reaction of public opinion in China, on purely intuitive feeling in South Korea, where many of the Lotte duty-free shop, flow has been dramatically reduced. Previously in the duty-free shops, Chinese tourists don't see commodities, direct card payment at purchase above can get in line, but if you want it, you can feel free to visit.

Lotte's as its advertised as "innocent"?

Non-. Both South Korean authorities and the Lotto, has realized that China says what words mean to them, still holding the risk and chance, wants to play a "Tai Chi" is about.

How do they calculate it? South Korea's military said, golf is the problem of enterprise, China's anger should not be a business outlet; Lotte said, I didn't want to get involved in Foreign Affairs and politics, but as you can see under so much pressure from all sides, my decision is also compelling, do not tell me about it. If China Decides to "sanction" Lotte will open international image on your market.

But this is only in the fuzzy focus. China's concern is the fight against Sadr into South Korea, but South Korea's approach, is constantly trying to make China not found dialog object, cannot be found to combat opponents, playing a "big move".

  Pushing hands

Sade can know the process of advancing and main driving force is in South Korea.

First of all, this decision was made by Park Geun-Hye; duties of Park Geun-Hye scandal was suspended during the period between assignments, the South Korean military, the United States is pushing. Their plan, are taking advantage of political instability when quickly decided the matter, even though new general elections in the future, and scores of votes that candidates cannot use this, "bail out" win, South Korea also sought into US-Japan missile defense network in Southeast Asia.

And continued negotiations in China, South Korea in national Governments, the United States, firms such as answered or put off, but not found in China "enemy" where China talk to who could not be found. Lotte has even selected the Japanese-backed companies can also transfer some power to Japan.

This thing is now the only leeway is for her impeachment. If the impeachment passed the March general election, can also make, after all, the entire deployment construction some time. Recently, South Korea also have a voice in the discussion, whether it was worth because Sadr raised such a big diplomatic conflicts with China? Should discuss the future relations between China and South Korea with China to live there are smarter ways? New Government may be thinking of diplomatic and political gains and losses. But for now, the unpredictability of the impeachment was greater than ever.


Sade into South Korea to accelerate again, of course, is very reluctant to see the situation in China.

The North Korean nuclear issue, China and North Korea, China and South Korea, China and the United States on the peninsula ... ... It can be said that is the first time China faced North and South Korea at the same time need to be "double down" situation. If the old peninsula is "press the calabash gourd", now gourd and gourd, is even gourds. If the 2016 "Black Swan" events are frequent, the peninsula was now almost Swan Lake.

One cause of this situation is, of course, "negative cycle". North Korea believes that US-South Korean military threat is nuclear weapons cause; South Korea believes that nuclear weapons are you, is the reason why I like on the international, almost a chicken and egg problem.

Similarly, South Korea believes that relations between China and North Korea severed, is South Korea's biggest help solving the core issue of the problem is that the North Korean Government collapsed; North Korea believes that nuclear weapons are all programmes to address security, plan to resolve the relations of the United States is to solve diplomatic problems, these are all wrong. So North Korea sanctions, China State media has recently published is not called upon to swear, Korea on Thad pulled back.

Despite the differences, but both were in fact evolved into double-although the United States was the root cause of China's containment is Thad deployment, but North Korea's nuclear test, gave South Korean conservatives to expedite the deployment of the largest ammunition.

Regardless of which side must make the gesture of cutting the vicious circle. Otherwise look as if a fight it can't solve. But in fact, nobody really wants to play on both sides.


In this regard, the island Uncle has a word: North and South Korea are not clear in international politics, positioned on a peninsula where.

Like North Korea, do you think a nuclear weapon can be "nuclear power" yet? Nuclear power is to have the territory, population, international prestige and a sense of history, is called nuclear power. Not the North Korean media said, "Chinese look down on North Korea's nuclear weapons" is outside South Korea describes it as a threat, a threat no other countries in the world. To be honest, the day North Korea move nuclear weapons almost destroyed that day.

South Korea then? Without American involvement, can be unified? Feel the backing of the United States and China against it? China concern would do it, insisted on going and destined to, generally does not end so well.

On the surface, South Korea introduced Sade stung China's nerve, but the root cause, is America's containment to China. This will form a demonstration effect, like neighboring countries go along with us, is a Chinese hard points. Such as Japan, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, has been linked with news of the deployment of Thad. Therefore, China needs to let the neighbors see, where his determination.


The island uncle, next to the peninsula, and China's South-North policy needs adjustment-if there is no diplomatic objective, the DPRK will use economic and cultural means to suppress; South Korea, then to put pressure on the political, military, security means. We used to be the other way around. Now that does not seem very effective, it is necessary to do before doing enough.

Don't forget Russia. Sade into South Korea, equivalent to the United States anti-missile system to form a pincer around potential, Russia's only strategy in Northeast Asia security breach was sealed.

Therefore, Sade's most Russian military. Possible options, one is the Sakhalin, and second, the four Northern Islands "militarization", as well as China and Russia border near the ocean and on land to enhance monitoring of South Korea. And Eastern Europe like: deployment of Sade-like systems of Poland and Romania, Russia they were short-range missiles. Therefore, the security issues in Northeast Asia, China could be due to linkage with Russia on military, deal with the United States, Japan and South Korea the ABM network.

Study on inter-Korean issues for so long, island Uncle would say if Sadr really deploy South Korea, relations between China and South Korea would face "disowned" the possibility. Even if the next Government wants to restore relations between China and South Korea, Sade is also around snag. In any case, South Korea wants to head a cast, this time attempting to get away, let China to swallow the bitter fruit of security, China is absolutely intolerable matter.

Oh, there's more, March US troops play, really has the potential to put Sade system flown to South Korea. As for experimental use will leave, you need to pay close attention.

Separate working alone situation to respond to changes on the Korean peninsula, China, is the country growing up alone. Only without a care, no hesitation, no tail worries, could really grow. The rise of great powers, cannot count on the cooperation of other countries, nor fantasy will cooperate with other countries, does not give you is the greatest comfort.

Shun evil potential of all the test of character, out of the fetters of shaped bepuzzlement and back is going to be easier if broken bamboo. One of China's big test will break through the Korean peninsula dilemma.

Paper/friends of Sanjiang, son of Mowgli


>: Tang Li Weishan

Article keywords:
Thad Lotte relations between China and South Korea

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