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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/27 8:09:30 Edit(编辑)
Tea sister happiness: Liu with his daughter crawl mats,

Tea sister happiness: Liu with his daughter crawl mats,(奶茶妹妹秀幸福,:刘强东陪女儿爬地垫,)



Tea sister happiness: Liu to accompany their daughter to climb pad-Zhang Ze, Liu, tea sisters-IT information

On February 26, "sister tea" Zhang Ze days drying out a family photo, said: "BA BA Hello. "High-handed President Liu father, accompanying baby climbing mats, brimming with love.

? Liu to accompany their daughter to climb

? Tea sisters old photos

In the photo, overbearing Chief Executive Liu dad accompany baby climbing mats, dew smiles for the camera, brimming with love. Pink Tea sisters daughter, also was very serious.

奶茶妹妹秀幸福 :刘强东陪女儿爬地垫 - 章泽天,刘强东,奶茶妹妹 - IT资讯





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