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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/27 8:09:19 Edit(编辑)
As immigration India employee was shot dead in the United States, Microsoft CEO Nader condemning American policy paranoia

As immigration India employee was shot dead in the United States, Microsoft CEO Nader condemning American policy paranoia(因移民问题印度员工在美国遭到枪杀,微软CEO纳德拉谴责美国现有政策偏执)



As immigration India employee was shot dead in the United States, Microsoft CEO Nader condemning American policy paranoia-Barnard, immigration, India, shot-IT information

February 27, according to foreign media (CNET) reported that on Wednesday night, navigation GPS manufacturer Garmin company's two Indian employees of the Kansas bar shooting, the suspect was identified as Americans, now 51 years old yadang·pulindun (Adam Purinton).

The Washington Post reports, Plimpton, after being kicked out of a bar to carry guns returned to the scene and shot two of the victims Kuchibhotla and Madasani. Another man, who tried to intervene also were shot. Only Madasani of the three victims survived.

Plimpton has been arrested, is charged with first-degree murder, and two charges of attempted first-degree murder.

Survivors Madasani told the times that the murderer has talked of racial sensitivities.

"He asked us what kind of visa is now, and whether we belong to the illegal aliens. "Madasani said. Mail also Plimpton shouted "get out of my country". In fact, the two victims, aged 32, were educated in Kansas, and legal employment.

Though Plimpton's mother said her son's behavior is inconsistent with his usual behavior. But some people think that this radical killings reflect on immigration in recent years the United States concerns and exclusion.

Ora West Kansas Police Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Garmin spokesman said the company held a vigil of mourning on Sunday for the dead.

"Garmin is a global family of the company, colleagues and religious backgrounds of different countries, we are very proud to embrace our differences. "The spokesman said. "Our diversity helps to develop new ideas, making Garmin a strong company. ”

She added that the company will be in this difficult period to continue to provide support to families of the injured employee.

Itself to Indian immigrants-turned-CEO sateya·Nadela (Satya Nadella) stated its position in personal on Twitter on Friday: "we are not pointless violence and bigotry exists on the social space. My heart is with the terrorist shooting victims and their families. ”

US technology companies have a large number of overseas employees, many of them from India. In addition to the Nadela, current CEO of the company sangdeer·picai (Sundar Pichai), also from India. It is estimated that up to 15% of technology start-ups with Indian staff.

After the massacre, survivor Madasani the father urged his son to return home.

"After Trump took over as President of the United States, the situation seems to be very bad, and I call upon India to parents not to send their children to the United States under the current situation. ”

因移民问题印度员工在美国遭到枪杀,微软CEO纳德拉谴责美国现有政策偏执 - 纳德拉,移民,印度,枪击 - IT资讯

2月27日消息据外媒(CNET)报道,上周三晚,导航型GPS生产企业Garmin公司的两名印度籍员工在美国堪萨斯州酒吧遭到枪击,嫌犯被确定为现年51岁的美国人亚当·普林顿(Adam Purinton)。









本身便为印度移民出身的微软首席执行官萨特亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)周五在个人推特上表明了立场:“我们的社会上没有无意义暴力和偏执的存在空间。我的心与恐怖枪击的受害者和其家人同在。”

美国科技企业拥有众多海外员工,其中许多来自印度。除了纳德拉,谷歌现任CEO桑德尔·皮蔡(Sundar Pichai)同样来自印度。据估计,多达15%的科技创业企业都拥有印度员工。



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