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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/26 8:08:20 Edit(编辑)
Live network anchorwoman jump: suspect had mental problems,

Live network anchorwoman jump: suspect had mental problems,(网络女主播直播跳楼:疑精神有问题,)



Live network anchorwoman jump: suspects-network anchorwoman with mental health problems, the network anchors, jumping-IT information

In recent days, staying in Changzhou, a network anchorwoman climbed up to the 10-story-tall live show by jumping from the balcony. Made local fire and police is persuasion and Pu cushion, busy busy for over an hour, and finally save it.

According to the modern express reported that around 5:30 P.M. February 23, Wanda central China town, wujin district, Changzhou City apartment, a man dressed in black tights, short skirts, young woman suddenly climb 10 floors of their balconies, threatened to jump off a bridge, scene scenes disturbing, help many people called the police.

Firefighters rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the alarm, the woman has stood on the balcony for a half an hour, walking up and down in the window every now and then, very emotional, and says he is a name for a webcast platform host, the jump was a live, because of platforms have a lot of viewers are watching.

Situation is an emergency, however, the woman has a platform under the floor, is not conducive to laying a cushion, firefighters now going upstairs, laying a cushion just in case in the platform, followed by firemen and police rushed to the women's room. But women simply would not open the door, the police can only open rescue. After 1 hour of persuasion, women's emotions under control, successfully persuading downstairs.

According to initial police investigation, the woman is Chongqing, claimed to be webcast platform of an anchor, a bit off mentally. At present, had been placed by police to a local mental hospital for care, related cases all further processing.

网络女主播直播跳楼:疑精神有问题 - 网络女主播,网络主播,跳楼 - IT资讯






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