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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/24 23:58:55 Edit(编辑)
The expendables production company was purchased by Chinese capital, trading at about 700 million Yuan,

The expendables production company was purchased by Chinese capital, trading at about 700 million Yuan,(《敢死队》制作公司被中国资本收购,交易价约7亿元,)



The expendables production company was purchased by Chinese capital, trading at about 700 million Yuan-Millennium films, death squads, Chinese capital-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information on February 24 a few days ago, China Joint Rui Kang Rui Kang announced shares of the group to no more than US $100 million (RMB 688 million) of the purchase price of the new Millennium film 51% of the stock, the deal is expected to be completed in the second quarter of this year.

(Death squads still)

Under the agreement, joint core group will acquire Millennium films mainly property, including copyright, of nearly 300 movie film Museum. Millennium films by aiwei·Lena and teleiwo·xiaote founded in 1996, after the acquisition is completed, aiwei·Lena will serve as CEO of Millennium pictures, teleiwo·xiaote will serve as Chief Operating Officer, Rui Kang Xia Jiantong will serve as Chairman of the Group Chairman of the Millennium film.

Millennium films is one of the most famous independent film production company, Millennium films production of a film has more than 80, including the Black Dahlia, ' Rambo 4 ', ' 5 the first drop of blood, the expendables series, the mechanic, and the fall of London and action films such as the fall of Olympus.

《敢死队》制作公司被中国资本收购,交易价约7亿元 - 千禧年影业,敢死队,中国资本 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯2月24日消息 日前,中国联合睿康集团睿康股份宣布以不超过1亿美元(人民币6.88亿元)的对价收购千禧年影业51%的股权,这份协议有望在今年的第二季度正式完成。




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