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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/24 23:58:54 Edit(编辑)
The age old business: sold 30,000 pounds of apples a year,

The age old business: sold 30,000 pounds of apples a year,(半百老人做电商:一年卖出3万斤苹果,)



The age old business: sold 30,000 pounds of apples a year-e-commerce-IT information

In early spring, reporters walked into the village of Longnan city, Gansu province, Yong XING Zhen long, Li Huai. The trees begin to turn green village, farmers on the wall of the winter Jasmine bud. Walk to the famous "old age" merchant's doorway, Zhang Jiacheng came forward to shake hands, 55, said, "yesterday got a grandson."

Grandson was born with the same made him proud to be doing business. Electrical contractor, he was no better than the county seat of poor young people.

Received Apple last fall, he sold through the network of 30,000 pounds, 20,000 pounds of which were self-produced, close to 10,000 pounds from the collection, "are carefully selected fruit of the fruit I don't trust strangers. ”

Apple sold out spring, pruning time, which was "slack", but he ignored the yard of bonsai pruning shears, was thinking of selling agricultural products. Polished, hanging in the kitchen on the front line, his online "Amoy" Cookware.

Lixian in Longnan, Gansu province, is a major Apple-producing areas. Raised for the sea, big temperature difference between day and night, locally grown apples are crisp and sweet. Lao Zhang to second-graders are to go home, "" apples. Although apples are of good quality, but inaccessible in the past, Apple won't be able to sell a good price. Yiqian, Zhang yongxing on Apple to, 1 kg more than 1 block 5, ranging from 5 cents, to Dragon Ash village gather Apple dealers keep prices lower.

In 2013, a fruit tree pruning and training organized in the County meeting, Chang heard of e-commerce. Heard that apples can be sold for a good price, he wants to learn.

Sign up for e-commerce training, old Rob was sitting in the first row, next to all generation and born in "epigenetic" dolls.

Training comes back, he will ask for help applying for an account, sign up for a store and spend 2400 Yuan "super price" of Huawei Technologies, bought a big-screen smart phone.

He was tending fruit trees is a connoisseur, computers, cell phones, and he became a layman. How to upload images to the site? How to make a picture look better? How to add text? All he has made.

"I am a farmer, did not read the book in a few days, only my own, on her own. "Zhang Jiacheng said.

There is a stubbornness, he just learned how to mobile phone repair software, their cutout, and Word, and find the uploaded picture of the doorway.

Lao Zhang was Carpenter, took the rough hand adzes cut AX saw blades, a holding cell phones, deftly stroking the other, to show reporters his design online publicity.

Old first net sell orders from Beijing, bought a box of apples, he put up a box. They have got, the buyer became friends with him, also sent their paintings in return.

Gradually, he found waiting for buyers "door", Apple sells too slowly. "Apples in the North, is developing to the South? ”

Was introduced, he added several groups on social media. Now there are more than 10 in a group of more than 400 people. Speaking of those, Zhang Jia into a dog face, speaking of his merchant business.

"Yourselves into groups, you must not talk about Apple, not a Word. ”

"Additive group is not just to sell apples? "The reporter asked.

"Talk about apples, they know business is doing, and will kick you out. Lost hundreds of customers. ”

His experience is to observe, Friending; observation, gossip. Talk to family, talk to kids, looking for opportunities.

People dedicated to cargo, Zhang Jiacheng sold Apple's award-winning, also had held up Apple's "buyer."

In the "customer development" in the process, he felt the law. 5 o'clock to 7, 11 to 12 points, 7 o'clock in the evening until 8 points he sit inside and watch the phone's time is his business, "prime time".

"Ask a good morning, say good night and punctuate a praise to family friend. "He said," people change people's hearts. "

Customer development became his unique skills, he added more than 2000 customers during the Spring Festival. Beginner's daughter would also like to learn from him.

Apple has sold his shop selling local specialties-the potato noodles, a lot of people under his orders. County Sun Tzu on back, Zhang Jiacheng study all the time, to pack potato pasta, use express mail.

In the once remote Western mountains, now as old business farmers more than him. In Longnan city, Gansu Province alone, so that farmers shop with tens of thousands of homes.

半百老人做电商:一年卖出3万斤苹果 - 电商 - IT资讯


























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