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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/24 23:58:45 Edit(编辑)
Changchun men’s collection of nearly 3,000 mobile phones and hopes to open the Museum,

Changchun men’s collection of nearly 3,000 mobile phones and hopes to open the Museum,(长春男子收藏近3000部手机,希望开博物馆,)



Changchun men's collection of nearly 3,000 mobile phones, driving Museum-collection, mobile phone-IT news

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information on February 24, you've probably heard collects antiques, jade, but did you hear about collection phone? According to the new culture newspaper, 50 year old Changchun resident Li Qinglin has a special interest, so far, he has a collection of nearly 3,000 mobile phones.

▲ Covered with a bed of phones a fraction Li Qinglin collection

The 3,000 mobile phones models are different, since there are so many, so 80 's "big brother" and 90 of Nokia and the iPhone are also not uncommon. It is learned that Li Qinglin this hobby from June 1998 with the first phone Motorola began, 18 years, he spent nearly 200,000 have purchased many classic models. He said cell phones are bought at different times, upfront capital when not very well-off, buy less, the last 5 years as incomes grow, buy more, some 90 of the last century's phones are bought in this period with very cheap prices sometimes can buy several at a time to more than 10 per cent.

Mobile development to a certain extent, on behalf of the development of science and technology, said Li Qinglin, hoping to gather all phone models are complete, if possible in the future to open a Mobile Museum, future generations of young people to see and understand the change of mobile phones from analog to the 4G era, seen through the mobile phone era of the history of science and technology.

▲ Condor heavy mobile and compact flip phone

▲ Is an analog signal, while the intelligent 4G

▲ Not only collections, and repair

长春男子收藏近3000部手机,希望开博物馆 - 收藏,手机 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯2月24日消息,你可能听说过收藏古董、玉器的,但你听说过收藏手机的吗?据新文化报报道,50岁的长春市民李清林就有这样一个特殊的爱好,目前为止他已经收藏了近3000部手机







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