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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/24 23:58:41 Edit(编辑)
19-year old boy playing online bingo games: losing the home to more than 700,000 yuan a year,

19-year old boy playing online bingo games: losing the home to more than 700,000 yuan a year,(19岁男孩网上玩赌博游戏:一年输掉家里70多万元,)



19-year old boy playing online bingo games: losing the home to more than 700,000 yuan a year-online gambling, gambling-IT information

Recently, the people of Jinan Fu woman (not his real name) very Kinky: suddenly more than 700,000 less in bank card, but don't know how to solve: "taking into account the child, do not want to report, do not report it, and don't let them hurt more kids. "Fu woman's money in the bank card, is 19 years old son playing games to lose, son traded two" underground banks "remained active in the game the player in the circle of friends.

Son play games less than a year lost more than 700,000

"Think not yourself recently, things really went wrong. "Ms Fu said.

Ms Foo son is 19 years old, and after high school temporarily idle at home, playing games is his main pastime. On January 29, 2017, Fu woman found her bank card was missing more than 700,000, I asked to know son play games lose money.

"In the letter, there are two accounts, the children primarily with these two account transactions, transactions around 960,000, kids lost more than 700,000. "Fu said that the transactions from these two accounts, son from March 2016 with the account transactions, has been late on January 29 this year.

Kids lose it big where it came from? "To refer to this matter, I also regret it. "Ms Fu said. And like many women, Fu also like online shopping, but she can't work, every time I buy something son to help, in the end, simply bound to bank cards in his son's account.

For his son to play the game, Fu said she has known, but don't know what play is the game. "Think not yourself recently, check the card to know he was losing so much money. ”

Ms Fu told reporters that the son is "167 games Center" playing "monopoly" game, "the game casino. "This is Fu woman entangled about: should we report? If the report will have a legal punishment on children? Reporting to fear more peers it gets as a child.

Fu woman how to solve this problem? Shandong (Jinan) Yu-Peng Li Chunyu, Director of law firm litigation lawyer, told reporters that in the event, Fu woman's son is 19 years old, as a person with full civil capacity, the money involved in the case it is difficult to recover.

"Underground banks" sell suspected of gambling

According to Fu woman's two accounts, the reporter also contacted the two "underground banks": a name for "rich savory", one called "AA. nine sister credibility."

Contacted "rich savory" and offered to "buy". Then, they sent the journalist game links, saying they belong to a video game platform, journalists need sufficient money to buy game currency, charging is 10 Yuan, 100 Yuan to buy 2 million games, close at 2.1 million play money for 100 Yuan. When a reporter asked how to play winning a larger, said that "small is big, winning or losing depends on luck."

A games platform in Jinan told Xinhua, similar to the "Millionaire" this game is "buy points" to increase attributes, makes winning hold bigger, but in practical terms, very little chance to win.

"This should be a chess and card games, like gambling, game official General gambling, online trading game currency is strictly prohibited, but such lines are trading game money between players of voluntary, in theory, is violation of game rules. "One gaming platform in Jinan told Xinhua, in Jinan, and son Fu woman about the size of the player, who charge hundreds of thousands of minority.

Vice President of China University of politics and law Professor Yu Zhigang said, 2010, China issued a judicial interpretation about Internet gambling, and in the actual processing, judicial authority finds gambling social groups for the Casino while gambling social groups build and Manager in order Casino crimes criminal sanctions.

Gambling after the Group was banned for a vest continues to

Reporters learned that customer service website for reports/complaints on personal accounts of how, according to the official website gives the operation, journalists complained about "rich savory" accounts, check fraud scam in the reason list, and submit related chats, chat team audited, informed the audit results.

Official said as of July 2016, micro and QQ two platforms for a total of 25,000 suspected of gambling social groups, group processing, more than 3,500 personal gambling limits the account payment or bonus pay, and other functions. For some groups on line gambling, official clues will be handed over to the public security organs to combat.

Although reporting policy, but these accounts are also "countermeasures", for example, they will continue to change the game and account number.

"Dear old 167 games Center customers, 167 stops due to various factors, our new agent games under higher. "Recently," rich savory "in the circle of friends sent a message. They launched the game as the 426, sellers told reporters that the game more "stable and fair", more powerful, game type more, sellers will be 24 hours a day online, provide gamers with "service".

19岁男孩网上玩赌博游戏:一年输掉家里70多万元 - 网络赌博,赌博 - IT资讯





















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