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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/22 9:34:37 Edit(编辑)
Sexual harassment scandal, Uber,CEO tearfully apologized to the employees,

Sexual harassment scandal, Uber,CEO tearfully apologized to the employees,(性骚扰丑闻曝光后,Uber,CEO含泪向员工道歉,)



Sexual harassment scandals, tearful apologized to employees-Uber Uber CEO, step-IT information

According to Bloomberg, in taxi service company Uber all staff meeting to be held on Tuesday, Uber CEO telaweisi·kalannike (Travis Kalanick) defects on the corporate culture of the company to apologize. Previously, Uber when a former employee claimed that she worked in the company of harassment and discrimination.

Sources, kalannike and Arianna Huffington put the members of the Board (Arianna Huffington) and human resources supervisor, in Uber's San Francisco headquarters held a meeting, the meeting lasted for more than an hour. Kalannike with tears in her eyes from time to time spent, on the staff lacks diversity and is not an appropriate apology in response to employee complaints. Sources said on condition of anonymity, in the meantime, employees attending the meeting put forward tough, pointed questions. One of the sources said, Uber bad start this year, with relatively low staff morale.

Huffington wrote in an article published on the company's blog: "kalannike very frankly about his mistakes, and how past 48 hours he will use this event to build a better Uber. Without the help of catalysts, changes are usually not going to happen; I want to take the time to understand what had happened, and corrected so that we can not only make the Uber better, but also to improve the situation of women as a whole. ”

In its almost eight years of time, Uber almost continuously by controversy. Over the years, the kalannike the repeated open statement to enable the company to gain a reputation for belligerence. But beginning this year, it has become one of the most tumultuous period in the start-up company. Last month, accused Uber damage New York taxi drivers protest "trump bans strikes", and trump the President's side, so as to produce a "delete Uber (#DeleteUber)". In this dispute, kalannike, held a similar meeting of staff. He says he's against Trump's ban on refugees, and later withdrew from the Trump's Business Advisory Council.

Then, last weekend, Uber software developer sushan·fule (Susan Fowler) published a blog post on the Web, claiming she was Uber suffered sexual harassment at work, and the Manager of the company's human resources department is trying to protect her, instead of solving the problem.

Fowler wrote in his blog: "it is clear that he is trying to get me to have sex with him, the intention is very clear, and screenshots I immediately chat message, and he was reported to the company's human resources department. "She said, but company executives told her that he was an" outstanding performance ", and they do not want to punish him, because they thought it was a" stupid mistake ".

At Tuesday's meeting, Ardis krainik told the meeting that he will work to improve the company's position as a leader. The meeting provided an opportunity for him, showed that he was correct to staff under the direction of the company's determination.

Uber named aimei·luqiduo (Aimee Lucido) software engineer wrote on his personal blog: "If the world especially the Uber can seriously look into the matter, it should not be an isolated incident. I think it's disgusting, shocking and scary, but I'm not surprised. In fact, I was most surprised that other people seem to be very surprised. ”

Meanwhile, former US Attorney-General Eric holder (Eric Holder) is leading the investigation of charges against Fowler. Kalannike send e-mail to employees Monday, said holder and Coverton&Burling law firm partner Tammy. Albarran (Tammy Albarran) will conduct an independent investigation of the company, the survey includes Fowler's Uber specific issues associated with the work environment, as well as the company's workforce diversity and inclusiveness. Uber last month appointed Chief human resources officer Leah ne? Hornsey (Liane Hornsey), Huffington and Deputy General Counsel of the company anjila·padila (Angela Padilla) to be involved in the investigation.

Uber's public image has been affected by allegations of discrimination against women. Published in February 2014, GQ magazine ran an article on the interview with kalannike, in this exclusive interview, he said it will be Uber as "girl" (Boob-er, "boob" in English slang meaning female breasts), as a result of the success of his are very attractive to women. A few months later, French Uber staff that can provide customers with "sexy girls" the opportunity to act as a driver.

Later that year, Uber says it can take advantage of the internal tools "view of God" (God View) to track the location of their users. After one month, Uber New York Office Manager Josh? Morrell (Josh Mohrer) told a female reporter, he's been through his phone to track her location. The same month, the Uber official aimier·maikeer (Emil Michael) suggested that the company can hire opposition researchers criticized the Uber reporter. Later, both men remain in the company, Michael is one of the kalannike's top aide.

Over the next few years, Uber's public image began to turn around. Uber now has more than 11,000 employees, this does not include the company's drivers, who are considered independent contractors--another source of controversy this is Uber. But the events of the past several months, may begin to eliminate Uber had made some progress in his public image.

性骚扰丑闻曝光后,Uber CEO含泪向员工道歉 - Uber,优步 - IT资讯

据彭博社报道,在打车服务公司Uber周二召开的全体员工会议上,Uber CEO特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)对公司在企业文化上所存在的缺陷道歉。此前,Uber一名前雇员声称她在该公司工作时受到骚扰和歧视。

消息人士透露,卡兰尼克与董事会成员阿里安娜·赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)和人力资源资源主管一起,在Uber的旧金山总部举行了一次会议,会议持续了一个多小时。卡兰尼克不时眼含泪花,对公司员工缺乏多样性和未适当回应员工的投诉而道歉。不愿透露姓名的消息人士表示,在此期间,出席会议的员工提出了强硬、尖锐的问题。其中一位消息人士表示,Uber今年开局不利,员工的士气较为低落。


在成立近八年的时间中,Uber几乎不断地遭受争议。过去多年来,卡兰尼克多次公开声明,使该公司获得了好战的名声。但今年刚开始,就已经成为这家初创公司最动荡的时期之一。上月,人们指责Uber破坏了纽约出租车司机抗议“特朗普禁令”的罢工,并站在了总统特朗普的一边,从而爆发了“删除Uber (#DeleteUber)运动”。在这场争议中,卡兰尼克举行了类似的全体员工会议。他表示他反对特朗普的难民禁令,并在后来退出了特朗普的商业咨询委员会。

然后,在上周末,Uber前软件开发人员苏珊·福勒(Susan Fowler)在网上发表了一篇博文,声称她在Uber工作时遭到了性骚扰,而该公司的人力资源部门试图保护她的部门经理,而不是解决这一问题。



Uber一位名叫艾梅·卢奇多(Aimee Lucido)的软件工程师在其个人博客中写道:“如果世界特别是Uber能认真调查这件事,这应该不是一起孤立的事件。我认为这是令人恶心、令人震惊和感到可怕,但我根本不感到惊讶。事实上,我最惊讶的是,其他人似乎都感到非常惊讶。”

与此同时,前美国总检察长埃里克·霍尔德(Eric Holder)正在领导对福勒指控的调查。卡兰尼克周一向员工发送电子邮件,称霍尔德和Coverton&Burling律师事务所合伙人塔米.阿尔巴兰(Tammy Albarran)一起将对公司进行独立调查,调查的内容包括福勒提出的Uber与工作环境相关的具体问题,以及该公司的员工多样性和包容性。Uber上月刚聘任的首席人力资源官利亚讷?霍恩西(Liane Hornsey)、赫芬顿及公司副法律总顾问安吉拉·帕迪拉(Angela Padilla)将参与这起调查。


同年晚些时候,Uber表示它可以利用内部工具“上帝视角”(God View)跟踪其用户的位置。过了一个月,Uber驻纽约办事处总经理乔希?莫勒尔(Josh Mohrer)告诉一名女记者,他一直通过他的手机跟踪她的位置。同月,Uber高官埃米尔·迈克尔(Emil Michael)建议,该公司可以雇用反对派研究人员调查批评Uber的记者。后来这两人都留在公司,迈克尔是卡兰尼克的高级助手之一。


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