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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/22 9:34:10 Edit(编辑)
Australia for the protection of rare and endangered animals, ready to kill 2 million stray cats,

Australia for the protection of rare and endangered animals, ready to kill 2 million stray cats,(澳大利亚为保护濒危珍稀动物,准备杀200万只流浪猫,)



Australia for the protection of rare and endangered animals, ready to kill 2 million stray cats-cats, animals-IT information

Australia Network reported that Australia is currently the number of stray cats to reach 6 million, and they will kill thousands each year to include 124 species of Australian native animals. In order to protect the rare animals that are nearly extinct, the Australian Government has recently planned to 2020, kill 2 million stray cats.

The Federal Government will provide $5 million in funds to encourage community organizations to humanity catching stray cats and euthanasia. Endangered species specialist, Andrew (Gregory Andrews) says, "cats are the biggest threat to Australia's native animals, 30 species of extinct mammals, 20 were caused by stray cats and kill stray cats, not because we hate cats, but to protect the endangered animals. ”

"We have to make a choice, we have to protect the rabbit-eared bandicoots, wallabies and night Parrot is not being hurt by stray cats. ”

It is reported that the first round of "killing stray cats" operations will begin early next month. But experts warn kill 2 million stray cats alone are not sufficient to meet the requirements of the protection of endangered animals.

澳大利亚为保护濒危珍稀动物,准备杀200万只流浪猫 - 猫,动物 - IT资讯


联邦政府将提供500万澳元的资金用于鼓励社区组织人道性抓捕和对流浪猫安乐死。濒危物种专员安德鲁(Gregory Andrews)表示,“流浪猫是澳大利亚本土动物的最大威胁,30种灭绝哺乳动物中,20种是由流浪猫造成的,杀死流浪猫不是因为我们恨猫,而是为了保护濒危动物。”



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