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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/22 9:34:09 Edit(编辑)
Airlines companies saying “snow digging in the wrong aircraft“ reticulocyte, response: solid ice, 120,000 points sorry

Airlines companies saying “snow digging in the wrong aircraft“ reticulocyte, response: solid ice, 120,000 points sorry(航企调侃“大雪中挖错飞机”成网红,现回应:实为除冰,十二万分抱歉,)



Airlines companies saying "snow digging in the wrong aircraft" reticulocyte, response: solid ice, 120,000-sorry-airport, airplane, network red-IT information

21st best late hits this year, China's heavy snow as much. Snow was tough for airports, 12 in China due to ice and snow forced the closure of the runway at the airport, flights were delayed. Xiang Peng even Yunnan aviation company limited's official Twitter @ Xiang Peng airlines couldn't help poking fun at digging the wrong plane, flights will be delayed.

The Twitter raises Internet: "digging in the wrong kind of go back, can grow a lot of Boeing 787 next year." The morning of 22nd, cover journalists (thecover.CN) Xiang Peng contact aviation authorities, said that the micro-Boshi for jokes, designed flight delays suggested that reassure visitors mood. The so-called "digging the aircraft" is actually a de-icing for aircraft.

Netizens ridicule

Snow to dig the plane dug a Boeing 787

3:30 P.M. 21st, Cheung Peng air Tweet said, "as we dug in the wrong plane, will be led by Xiang Peng you selected air flights to Zhengzhou airport departure was delayed for some time, please forgive me! ”

Twitter, once issued, netizens are crazy and soon "captured" the Twitter comments and forwarding area. Even the people's daily online (Jia) Su (Zheng) (Jing) v forward said with a smile: "after the snow, airlines are not serious ... ..."

Gansu province civil aviation airport group: dig out what is not his own? Buried back?

Sanya Phoenix International Airport official Micro-Blog: it is hurrying to Sanya, aircraft by vitrification

A bunch of duck below the bridge: aircraft or serious air, that is, small series of paintings

Henry_Younghoo: you have one, I take a heavy snowfall to dig the plane, digging machines, a Boeing 787

A super cool science students: you are the big v day and we joke for hot, interesting?

Valley nonsense: have heard about before, New York Blizzard morning after digging up a car, two hours of digging, found a neighbor.

Momogirl peach Mo Mo: aviation has begun selling MoE, please note!

Coincidentally, the Urumqi air limited liability company also tweet a Blizzard, our planes have experienced what, ridicule 19th Urumqi, snow, snow 29cm, almost drowned out the wings. Due to the extreme weather, a flight due to land, in the air after a few laps and had to alternate in Lanzhou.

Company responses

Graphic from the Internet "dig the plane" is for de-icing

22nd cover journalists again when you refresh the Xiang Peng aviation official micro-blog, found the article "digging the aircraft" has been deleted. How on earth did this happen?

Reporter called Xiang Peng Yunnan aviation limited liability company departments, staff responded, Cheung Peng aviation Zhengzhou airport flight delays more affected by rain and snow, Twitter editors wrote "dig the plane" jokes and is equipped with a picture of a network.

"Xiang Peng air and no planes were buried yesterday, Cheung Peng aviation 21st flight out of Hong Kong and does not break the plane of the Zhengzhou airport delays, a picture of 20th Urumqi airport snow removal staff on aircraft, not Xiang Peng Airlines aircraft. "The staff explain, so-called dig aircraft are for aircraft deicing.

It is understood that under the influence of Zhengzhou airport snow yesterday, Cheung Peng aviation 22nd Zhengzhou airport and Hong Kong flights cancelled.

Expert explains

Aircraft deicing critical if accidentally or may breed great mischief

As staff say, "dig fly" refers to aircraft deicing work. Deicing is to remove the plane surface Frost, ice, snow, procedures for the aircraft to provide clean appearance, especially in the winter, ice is particularly important.

"Generally, in 0 ℃ following aircraft fuselage and wing will has different degree freezes or knot cream, so cold weather Xia, except ice work must for," China Aviation legal service center Chief experts Zhang Qi Huai said, aircraft took off is by wing in air in the relative movement formed of lift, lift of size according to wing of shape and changes, attached in aircraft surface of ice cream, pollutants will directly led to aircraft of air power sex characteristics of change, so took off Shi, wing surface cannot has any attached real.

2004 "11·21" because before the plane took off without de-icing (Frost), led to the flight from baotou to Shanghai flight MU5210 crashed and exploded, killing 55 people on board.

Zhang Qi Huai explained that due to aircraft deicing can take some time, so this is becoming one of the important causes of flight delays.

航企调侃“大雪中挖错飞机”成网红,现回应:实为除冰,十二万分抱歉 - 机场,飞机,网红 - IT资讯



























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