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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/19 5:32:29 Edit(编辑)
Media: Spain decides to extradite over more than 200 Taiwanese telecommunications fraud to County,

Media: Spain decides to extradite over more than 200 Taiwanese telecommunications fraud to County,(台媒:西班牙决定将200多名台湾电信诈骗犯引渡至中国大陆,)



Media: Spain decides to more than more than 200 Taiwan telecommunications fraud extradited to China-Telecom fraud, scams, Taiwan-IT information

According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" reported that day last December, Spain and mainland China jointly busted telecommunications fraud, which involved more than more than 200 from Taiwan. News, Cabinet Ministers of the Government of Spain decided to agree with mainland China concerning telecommunications fraud 269 Taiwanese and mainland suspects extradited to the Chinese mainland's request, the case should be to continue the relevant judicial proceedings.

Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said, after the incident in Taiwan continue to engage with the Government of Spain, and have lodged extradition requests to the proper channels to the other, advocates Taiwan suspects deported or extradited back to Taiwan, Spain and China has signed treaties on extradition and mutual legal assistance treaty, the Spanish Government has not responded positively to Taiwan.

Taiwan media said was now the judicial process has not been completed, Taiwan government departments to continue to fight for their rights through legal procedures.

Foreign-related departments in Taiwan also stresses that cross-border fraud to international cooperation in combating serious crimes, called on the people of Taiwan not to hold a fluke to go overseas, including wire fraud, engaging in illegal acts, so that more harm than good.

Previously, city country Taiwan do spokesman on Taiwan people more made fraud case a thing said, Taiwan Mac should wants to a wants to, why last year May 20 yihou, both police works sector of personnel no again on cooperation combat crime matters for had met and contact, why these Taiwan telecommunications fraud suspects due to repeatedly was light longitudinal, led to victims interests cannot by maintenance, "they more should reflection of is Taiwan of about provides and Taiwan of political culture. ”

台媒:西班牙决定将200多名台湾电信诈骗犯引渡至中国大陆 - 电信诈骗,诈骗,台湾 - IT资讯






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