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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/13 12:03:04 Edit(编辑)
“Local tyrants“ teacher school 560 Red: no money apart, students were delighted,

“Local tyrants“ teacher school 560 Red: no money apart, students were delighted,(“土豪”老师开学发560个红包:拆开无金钱,同学们却高兴坏了,)



"Local tyrants" teacher school 560 Red: no money apart, students are delighted-red, teacher-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information on February 13 a few days ago, a group of "local" hot teachers give students red hair photos in the net, it is learned that this set of photos from Hangzhou at the experimental school in the South, seven grade grade grade team leader Chen Haihong 560 were made by each child a red envelope. Actually none of these in red envelopes stuffed with money, but the kids apart is the happiness bursting.

According to qianjiang evening reported, being grade leader of Chen Haihong for can let children are on school full looks forward to, on thought has red, but red in loaded how many money are not too right, so on thought has red in package a Zhang note, Note Shang wrote with you can and himself like of teacher total into a meal lunch; can please one you like of teacher to parents call, full praised you once; also has let class students for you birthday once; and since with Halo of teacher or principal embrace, and photo a times......

560 red envelopes, vice principal, grade grade team leader, Deputy Head of hand out to the children, and children were very excited. For this, users also have this great positive energy out of the thumb, some netizens said, "Apart from red envelope paper, is to teach kids don't steal your money first", there are users that love is more important than money.

Of course, there are friends, also have another voice: Okay apart is not a set of exercises.

“土豪”老师开学发560个红包:拆开无金钱,同学们却高兴坏了 - 红包,老师 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯2月13日消息 日前,一组“土豪”老师给学生发红包的照片在网上走红,据悉,这一组照片来自杭州江南实验学校开学之际,七年级的年级组长陈海红给全年级560名孩子每人发了一个红包。其实这些红包里并没有装钱,但孩子们拆开后也是幸福感爆棚。




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