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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/9 10:19:32 Edit(编辑)
To celebrate the granddaughter’s third birthday, Grandpa, 3D printing entire tree house

To celebrate the granddaughter’s third birthday, Grandpa, 3D printing entire tree house(为庆祝孙女三岁生日,爷爷3D打印整个树屋)



To celebrate the granddaughter's third birthday, Grandpa, 3D printing entire tree house-3D printing-IT information

That only the young can become a 3D printing experts. Recently, in order to celebrate the third birthday of small Josselyn, her grandparents, Chris and Janet specially 3D print a unique tree house.

It is understood that this detailed work is inspired by the multi-level Dollhouse, dollhouses have attracted generations of children, Chris and Janet wants to create some more fun stuff. The couple decided to toy Beaver family of Josselyn, mutatis mutandis, to design a complete tree house for them, there are slides, swings, rope and ladder. It is three years old Josselyn pleasure the perfect homes for small animals.

The other hand, design and print tree house is not a simple matter. The entire project took more than 600 hours of 3D printing, involved dozens of complex parts, including doors, ladders and Arch Bridge--all of which are carefully designed in proportion. That doesn't include Chris and Janet spent in thinking, planning and countless hours on the design of these miniature masterpieces.

The key is in the details. Chris and Janet use Simplify3D software for creating, they want to ensure that the tree house wall is almost seamless. This means that all seams shall be completely hidden from sight, so as to make people feel the wall is complete. Special on the tree house with an embedded with "Jossie forest" decorative plaques, so that the viewing experience is perfect.

As Chris has said, throughout the project, the most challenging thing is to print a variety of textures. Different parts of the tree house requires its own unique texture, not to mention the grass and the tree itself.

"Many parts such as the shingles and the roof require a rough texture, they are printed on thick 0.2mm," Chris said, "other things, like bird, cage and chimney are printed on thick 0.1mm, then use a cold acetone fog made it smoother. ”

The end result is an inspiring tree Park, even if adults want to go inside to find out. And the couple's remarkable works we see the infinite possibilities of 3D printing brings to playtime.

为庆祝孙女三岁生日,爷爷3D打印整个树屋 - 3D打印 - IT资讯








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