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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/9 10:19:25 Edit(编辑)
Thailand’s low cost VR game “roller coaster“: all by hand,

Thailand’s low cost VR game “roller coaster“: all by hand,(泰国低成本VR游戏“云霄飞车”:全靠手劲大,)



Thailand's low cost VR game "roller coaster": all by hand-VR games, Thailand-IT information

Href= "" target= "_blank" >IT information February 9 message recently in Thailand Phuket, a name for "roller speed" VR game project burst red network, players needed wear VR glasses, then station in iron shelf Shang experience, highlights is iron shelf of power is artificial of, behind of staff will according to VR video in the of progress to on iron shelf for corresponding of adjustment shaking tilt.

In VR technology hot of now, world around of VR experience Museum is have emerged, is old driver are love of VR game VR girlfriend, and summer class is put with players of interactive experience do has extreme, Japan also development has VR smell peripherals , players can smell to VR equipment projection of picture in the of taste, even also launched has "girls taste". Glorious Kumo has released five senses VR arcade , also allows players with the game experience wind, cold and heat in different sensory stimuli.

In contrast, artificial VR in Thailand "the roller coaster" did a little shabby, but netizens are also called "no problems", after all, low cost and low power consumption is quite grounded, but some netizens raised interesting questions: If visitors to 200 pounds?

Video:(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

泰国低成本VR游戏“云霄飞车”:全靠手劲大 - VR游戏,泰国 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯2月9日消息 日前在泰国普吉岛,一个名为“云霄飞车”VR游戏项目爆红网络,玩家需戴上VR眼镜,然后站在铁架子上体验,亮点是铁架子的动力是人工的,背后的工作人员会根据VR视频中的进度来对铁架子进行相应的调整晃动倾斜。




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