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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/9 10:19:00 Edit(编辑)
In Anhui Province, China’s largest “shanzhai“ terracotta group, is accused of infringement: 120 Yuan tickets

In Anhui Province, China’s largest “shanzhai“ terracotta group, is accused of infringement: 120 Yuan tickets(安徽省出现中国最大“山寨”兵马俑群,被指侵权:门票120元)



In Anhui Province, China's largest "shanzhai" terracotta group, is accused of infringement: 120 Yuan tickets-terracotta warriors and horses, the cottage-IT information

Recently, some media reported, in the 5,000-year cultural fair park, in Taihu County, Anqing city, Anhui Province, scenic occurred is known as China's largest cottage the Terra Cotta Warriors, thousands of Terra Cotta Warriors shocked. According to reports, the "Terra Cotta Warriors" groups in full accordance with Lintong, Terra-Cotta Warriors of XI ' an, first hang the original copy .

Fake warriors group

Fake warriors group

In response, Emperor qinshihuang mausoleum Museum said in a statement, law of Emperor qinshihuang mausoleum Museum "Emperor qinshihuang mausoleum Museum" and "Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors," have the right to name and registered trademarks, such as: "the terracotta warriors", "conscientiousness", "Terra-Cotta Warriors", "bronze chariots and horses", "Qin Shi Huang mausoleum" enjoy the right to exclusive use of trademarks. Any authorized the use of Qin Shi Huang mausoleum of Emperor qinshihuang mausoleum Museum Museum, Museum of Qin terracotta warriors and horses name, registered trademarks and copyrighted images, videos, constitutes copyright infringement.

Recent emergence of "fake warriors" exhibition held in Liege, Belgium train station's recent media coverage "the terracotta warriors" as well as Taihu County, Anqing city, Anhui Province "fake warriors group" and no license and authorization of Emperor qinshihuang mausoleum Museum, was not informed about this. Emperor qinshihuang mausoleum Museum will retain rights shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

安徽省出现中国最大“山寨”兵马俑群,被指侵权:门票120元 - 兵马俑,山寨 - IT资讯






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