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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/2/8 9:26:38 Edit(编辑)
Chengdu generation guys obsessed with camera: 10 Favorites more than 300 units,

Chengdu generation guys obsessed with camera: 10 Favorites more than 300 units,(成都80后小伙痴迷相机:10年收藏300多台,)



Chengdu generation guys obsessed with camera: 10 collection over more than 300-retro camera, the camera-IT information

Emptied the entire living room, up 40 storage box, 10,000 tickets and 135 film size grey carpet shop, filled with his collection of 210 sets of old cameras, just for them to take a "family portrait"-October 2015, Lee Kyeong-selection of over 30 different brands of camera, took a photograph to mark his 30 birthday. In 2017, he decided to take a super family Memorial collection of 210 camera 10 years because he was so in love with the camera.

These cameras and lenses in the retention time is longer, more with more emotion.

Grey carpet of 10,000 tickets and 135 film area, filled with his collection of 210 old camera, take photo of them.

Obsessed with camera

10 collection over more than 300 Taiwan

2007 at the Southwest Jiaotong University reading measurement and control technology and instrument specialty under the Chengdu generation young Kang Lee collection was the first film camera, a Minolta XGM almost brand new (1981 Nissan classic film SLR cameras). In December 2016, under the Singapore Tourism Li Kang collection a Minolta XG-M. "It was destined, I finally received the first machine and now is the same. ”

10 years of Nikon, Leica, Peter, Minolta, Contac, Zeiss and other major brands of old cameras, was organized by Li Kang hidden in 40 storage bins.

The oldest is a 1934-36 Germany caisiyikang Baldur Box van camera, only two shutter. He also picked up a dedicated film from abroad, Li Kang indulge in one of those feelings, seeking in modern society using a camera with more than 80 years ago to record the present sense of the unique cross.

10 years of Nikon, Leica and other major brands of old camera was hidden in 40 storage bins, by category.

Favorite cameras

Experience of artisan spirits

"Thanks to the ages! in this age of digital and film camera replacement, can give me the opportunity to collect so many classic mechanical ' love '. "10 collections, Kang Lee visit Europe used camera shop and second-hand camera store with domestic and Asian countries.

His favorite collection of 50 's to the 70 's of the last century, they produced very classical, elegant, with a very strong sense of design in the era, the price is not expensive.

Quality, price, chance, fate Li Kang summary collection, this is an iron rule. Collection of the hundreds of these machines cost less than 100,000 yuan. His most leakage testing in Shanghai, three functions well, color is the new Olympus, Pentax SV, Minolta SRT101 boss as long as 350 Yuan. "I feel the boss is crazy. "A 76 German silver limited edition Leica R3, only 500 units, which cost about Lee Kyeong-thousands of Yuan.

Each camera Favorites come back, he'll do a detailed background check and record. What each storage box placed in the machine, put it in any position to register for future queries to play with. Lee Kyeong-thin figure in the collection process, "the old camera and film's charm is that you use dual-lens camera to present 50 years ago can also take exquisite photos, is stirring. This is the best spirit of the artisan heritage. ”

On February 19, 2016, Lee Kyeong-photo taken by virtue of their access to Nikon global internal systems competition only award.

Dream with "baby"

A picture book

Today's digital cameras take a picture only instant thing, but the old film camera take a picture you will need to go through lengthy shooting process. Many people cannot imagine at 170 years ago in France, Royal will stand in the Sun for 30 minutes to get a picture of yourself; it is hard to imagine 1825 French Niepce shoot spent 8 hours in the first photo in the world.

While in College, Lee Kyeong-fell in love with photography. On February 19, 2016, Li Kang was fortunate enough to receive a Nikon global internal systems competition only award, which encourages travel to take three camera two feet of his.

Opening his refrigerator filled with his collection of hundreds of rolls of film, which he treasures. "Many domestic films are not able to buy, sees good goods only. ”

He said he had a big dream is to use 100 different traditional cameras, and 100 films, take 100 photos, to make a book of pictures. West China metropolis daily journalist Tan Xi-cover photography

Open the fridge, filled with his collection of hundreds of rolls of film.

Each camera Favorites come back, he'll do a detailed background check and record.

Oldest is a 1934-36 made in Germany caisiyikang Baldur Box box camera, shutter or two.

成都80后小伙痴迷相机:10年收藏300多台 - 复古相机,相机 - IT资讯








最老的是一台1934-36年产的德国蔡司依康Baldur Box方厢式相机,只有两档快门。其间他还专门从国外淘来专用胶片拍摄过,李康沉醉的就是那种情怀,寻求在现代社会用一台80多年前的相机记录当下的那份独有穿越感。

















最老的是一台1934-36年产的德国蔡司依康Baldur Box方厢式相机,两档快门。

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