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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/20 2:32:06 Edit(编辑)
Toshiba in United States nuclear energy company lost $6.1 billion dollars: much more than expected, stock prices plunged

Toshiba in United States nuclear energy company lost $6.1 billion dollars: much more than expected, stock prices plunged(东芝公司在美国核能业务亏损61亿美元:远超预期,股价暴跌)



Toshiba in United States nuclear energy company lost $6.1 billion dollars: much more than expected, stock price-Toshiba nuclear energy-IT information

According to foreign media reports that Toshiba the company's United States nuclear reactor business losses of up to 700 billion yen (about US $6.1 billion), while this figure is much higher after the company reported to the investor expects 500 billion yen.

Also because the media reported that the loss was higher than previously expected, this Toshiba lost 15%. And yesterday the company also indicated that they are considering to spin off its chip business, in an effort to solve the problem of fiscal funds.

But those reports, Toshiba declined to comment on the content.

Last December, Toshiba has revealed its United States nuclear energy costs are too high, resulting in over-expenditure of impairment of assets, this phenomenon may worry investors and shareholders. Due in 2015, as much as $1.3 billion accounting scandal, have contributed to declines in stock prices, resulting in the significant decline in the interest of the shareholders.

Accounting scandal at that time had been included in the infamous watch list on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and prohibiting the companies issuing new shares to shore up its financial.

Analysts and investors expected, Toshiba is likely to spin off its chip business, as part of the solution.

Sources said that Toshiba hopes to sell its chip business is at the core of a small group of equity, taking into account the accepted United States partner Western Digital (Western Digital Corp), potential buyers.

In late September last year, shareholders have to 363.2 billion yen, only 7.5% per cent of its total assets.

东芝公司在美国核能业务亏损61亿美元:远超预期,股价暴跌 - 东芝,核能 - IT资讯







消息人士表示,东芝希望出售其处于核心地位的芯片业务的少部分股权,并考虑接纳美国合作伙伴西部数据(Western Digital Corp)在内的潜在买家。


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