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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/13 7:59:05 Edit(编辑)
Micro letter revealed online live, official denial: p well,

Micro letter revealed online live, official denial: p well,(微信被曝内测直播功能,官方辟谣:P的不错,)



Micro letter revealed online live, official denial: p nice app, live-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT news, January 13, yesterday's news that micro live will enter the field, and the outflow of the screenshot, judging from the screenshots, it appears under the circle of friends "live friends" column, then this is it true or false?

In this regard, micro, Director of public relations, Zhang believed to be in your circle of friends was the rumor, said: false, p good. Which is equal to the official denies the rumors of micro live layout field, at least for now Tencent has not the idea.

Are you disappointed or happy about this?

微信被曝内测直播功能,官方辟谣:P的不错 - 微信,直播 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯1月13日消息,昨天有消息称微信将进军直播领域,并且有截图流出,从截图来看,朋友圈下方出现了“朋友直播”栏目,那么这是真的假的呢?



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