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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/10 9:55:00 Edit(编辑)
He published an article in science: clean energy, “irreversible“,

He published an article in science: clean energy, “irreversible“,(奥巴马在《科学》发表文章:清洁能源发展“不可逆转”,)



He published an article in science: clean energy, "irreversible"-Obama-IT information

Outgoing United States President Barack Obama 9th wrote, development trends in clean energy economy "irreversible" and warned Trump not withdrawal from the United Nations to address climate change, President-designate of the Paris agreement.

Obama day in United States Science magazine published entitled irreversible of clean energy momentum of long paper, pointed out that "large science records" showed that climate changes is "real of, and not ignored", if allowed regardless of, greenhouse gas emissions continues to increased will led to global temperatures in century late rose 4 degrees Celsius above, global economic annual will loss about 4%, which country and United States country annual loss 340 billion to 690 billion dollars.

Obama said, even though our understanding of climate change impacts "troubling emerging", but the United States should take and what kind of policy debate, which is evident in the current period of presidential transition. But he believes that "putting aside current political", "during his presidency of the emerging clean energy economy trend will continue."

Obama lists the 4 reasons, starting from 2008 to 2015, United States economic growth of over 10%, while carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector decreased by 9.5%, the result "should be denied the idea, that the fight against climate change needs to accept economic slowdown and lower living standards. ”

3 reasons: United States enterprises increased investment in clean energy; United States marked reduction in cost of wind and solar power, are going through the transition from coal to natural gas production; racing momentum of the global clean energy economy.

Obama said that Trump is not obligated to follow his climate policies, but if the United States withdraws from the Paris agreement, the United States will "throw on the table (requires other countries to take measures) seat. "He said, in response to climate change, Trump should follow the advice and guidance of scientists and economists.

Climate change is one of the Obama wants to leave a legacy. But trump the President-designate has said climate change is a hoax, and threatened to quit during the election of the Paris agreements. After the election, Trump had changed the call on whether to withdraw from the Paris agreement, "openness", but he chose the environmental protection agency and department heads are climate change skeptics, for Secretary of State in charge of foreign oil companies, which many feared United States of climate policy will be a major setback.

奥巴马在《科学》发表文章:清洁能源发展“不可逆转” - 奥巴马 - IT资讯








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