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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/8 9:12:21 Edit(编辑)
Russian media: f-20 fighters the United States aircraft carrier battle group cornered

Russian media: f-20 fighters the United States aircraft carrier battle group cornered(俄媒:歼20战斗机群将把美国航母战斗群逼入绝境)



Russian media: f-20 fighters the United States carrier strike group cornered | f-20_ news

[Global network military January 8] Russia military observation network reported on January 4, sources revealed a few days at the end of 2016, China, Chengdu aircraft industry group launched its fifth-generation stealth fighter, the third production line, the production of j-20 fighter. The news seemingly mundane, but if you consider, each production line produces 12 planes a year, then after a few years, the Chinese air force will have about 120 aircraft j-20. An interesting detail is that the fighter jet production rates will clearly exceed the United States Navy carrier aircraft Brigade and Marines armed with F-35B and F-35C, while F-18 "Super Hornet" warplanes did not plan to upgrade. For the United States Government had planted a landmine.

F- -20 is one of the main tasks of the remote and take the air in the super-long-range air combat, to intercept United States strategic bombers, E-3C LRS-B "Watchtower", and E-8C "Union Star" or RC-135V/W "joint rivet", early warning aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. In addition, the fighter jet, will be dealing with RQ-4B "Global Hawk" strategy of unmanned reconnaissance planes and Navy-an essential tool for RQ-4C. A fighter-Jet Aviation Regiment, was enough to prompt and effective elimination of United States Navy investigation radius of 1600-1900 km of main air reconnaissance and target indication tool, thus greatly reduced efficiency of the aircraft carrier battle group in the attack outside the boundary of Guam. In 2018 will be the medium-term to form the first Chinese air force Fighter Jet Aviation Regiment.

F- -20 is another task of the United States and Japan Navy backed off China's coast. To do this you need at least two f- -20 (60), and "Dongfeng" -21D support an anti-ship ballistic missile systems. Here's a question: "if as long as the United States fleet to launch 15-20 ' '-21D Dongfeng missile is enough, why risk the Chinese air force pilots and a fifth-generation fighter at risk? "The answer is very simple: just" East "wholly inadequate. Although the "East wind" -21D and a new "Dongfeng"-26 missiles carrying multiple warheads (3 warheads), but I'm afraid 60-80 warheads were not enough to completely suppress United States military activity in the Western Pacific. United States Navy anti-missile bases built in the "Ticonderoga" class cruisers and "Arleigh Burke"-class destroyers. 20-30 can be deployed in the Western Pacific that is equipped with the "aegis" warships of the combat system. Today, they are upgraded to improve its anti-missile capability.

Suppressed for the fighters of the two -20 in the Pacific United States aerial electronic surveillance, which will make the United States Admiral felt real fear. If coming from outer space "East wind" -21D warheads are likely to be American AN/SPY-1A/D multi-function radar, then the plane occurred before the radio horizon, Discovery 10 off airborne radar, quietly approaching aircraft carrier battle group Fighter Squadron -20A is almost impossible.

However, the j-20 is not close to the radio horizon of the enemy at sea, because of its high-precision weapons fired at the target 100 km (range low altitude flight of 40-60 km). J -20A's primary weapon is the "Eagles"-91 supersonic anti-ship missile with a range of 50 kilometers, speeds of about Mach 2.7. Its internal compartment can carry no more than two such missiles.

In addition to the "Eagles"-91, f- -20 can also be used in the 2014 Zhuhai air show debut on CM-102 arm. Design speed of not less than CM-102 3.5-4 Mach, a range of 100 km. Because the radar signal is weak, the missiles cannot be intercepted. CM-102 circular error probability is about 7 meters, enough to deadly anti AN/SPY-1D radar antenna array.

Using a variety of missile weapons fighter jet, will put the United States aircraft carrier battle groups pushed into a corner. It is not the Chinese air force may use all of the advanced missiles. Equipped with microwave electromagnetic pulse warheads and stealth of hypersonic glide missile warhead is on its way, United States Army and Navy active ABM tools cannot be limiting in the long term. China in 2026 will be formed consisting of 500 fighter -20A fighter fleet. After that, Beijing will in the India Ocean and Pacific access to full advantage to any ship cluster.

>: Tang Zheng Xueyou

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