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published in(发表于) 2016/12/31 2:03:22 Edit(编辑)
Ten generation LCD production line in China expanded capacity, behind Korea,

Ten generation LCD production line in China expanded capacity, behind Korea,(中国液晶十代生产线大扩军,产能抛开韩国,)



Ten generation LCD production line expansion, capacity behind Korea-LCD, OLED-IT information

2016 global flat panel display industry as "the collector" big event, Hon Hai 10.5 formally signed line settled in Guangzhou December 30. This is after buy sharp, GOU, promoting its "eye plan" another big, while releasing a global display industry transition of multiple signals.

First of all, ten generation LCD line expansion, forming the pattern of quadrupedal, LCD panel production capacity in order to leave Korea, will further consolidate first place in the world in the future.

Following the BoE Hefei 10.5 after a start line by 2015, China Star optical 11 generations in Shenzhen lines, Hon Hai announced 10.5 in Guangzhou line connecting the end of 2016 launch plus Hui Ke 10.5 line in Kunming, mainland China is now published more than 10 generations of LCD panel production line project has four, each project investment amounted to tens of billions of Yuan. And currently holds the global display industry leader in Korea, so far has not announced plans for any 10 generations line.

This is the LCD panel production capacity a new round of expansion in mainland China, eclipsing the previous Japan sharp Corporation has the world's only 10 generation LCD line pattern. Because Korea Samsung and LG in recent years to put more resources into OLED panels, Samsung has even turned off a 7 generation LCD panel line, LCD Panel capacity in mainland China more than Korea, was just around the corner. Industry expects LCD Panel capacity in 2017 China over Korea, jumped first.

Secondly, the OLED limelight in recent years, future competition between LCD and OLED and the battle will continue for a long time.

CRT color TV era, eight major picture tube factory in China has control over the world's largest color picture tube production capacity, but they are in the era of flat panel displays all fail. So when when LCD panel production capacity expansion in China, an indespensible overcapacity in question is-will bring the LCD Panel and the next renewal era of CRT fate?

2016 prices of LCD panels in the second half against the beginning of the trend, reappears in price, changed many people's views. According to the consulting group, TV the average size of the 2016 global market expanded by 2.1 inches 55 inches has become standard. With flat-panel TVs the increasing tendency of large size, high definition, coupled with the rapid development of commercial displays, including education of electronic whiteboards, business in the field of electronic billboards, LCD Panel does not expect short-term excess capacity.

Terry Gou after the purchase of sharp, sharp in Japan speed up small OLED Panel production line to mount, now in the Guangzhou Mr Gou started 10.5 generation LCD line, means that the global electronics industry's largest OEM's helm, also focused on liquid crystal displays, and he bet big in LCD size. Holds ten sharp-line and Guangzhou 10.5-generation line "two-card" resources, Hon Hai in future TV contract field will have a greater voice.

This is an important signal--the future LCD and OLED will be long-term competition and contest. OLED is considered the next-generation display technology, Bendable, foldable, thinner and lighter, automatic light. Since 2016, OLED Panel shipments shot up a mobile phone, OLED TV sales have been expanded, but for the moment, LCD TV still dominates the field. Flat panel display Gu Zhihua, Director of the Centre at Fudan University, believes that LCD technology haven't peaked, there is great optimization potential, including areas such as backlight. Today, many giants in ten line heavily invested, prospect of description on the LCD of the industry is still full of confidence.

Third, benefit from upstream chain expansion panels and support will further the advancement of the global rise of China's color TV industry.

China and Japan and South Korea in the global display industry "the tables have turned." LCD Panel resources since the first layout, Korea's Samsung, LG flat panel TV era beyond Japan brand, emerged as two of the world's strongest. Today, benefiting from the large LCD Panel capacity and resources in the upper reaches of support, opportunities for Chinese TV brands, such as TCL, Hisense and Skyworth's share of the global TV industry continued to rise.

According to the consulting group, 2016 TV brand in China will be shipped first Korea brand, ranking first in the world; China brand, 2016 global market share into the 34%. 2017 TCL, Hisense and Skyworth plan totals more than three major brands shipped 60 million units. 2017 TCL and BOE color television manufacturing business plan totals close to 20 million units level.

From the perspective of regional competition, represented in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in South China, will get new display China's domestic production of lead. South China display industry is in a leading position in the domestic color TV, for a long time, but are strong challenges in the Midwest in recent years, first started in Hefei 10.5 Zwingen is a case in point. Today, Shenzhen and Guangzhou have announced the construction of 11 and 10.5 lines, coupled with the China Star photovoltaic technology platform company in the OLED industry association of Guangzhou, meant that southern China will get new display industry leading position.

From the consumption point of view, the next 60-70 inch LCD TV will enter ordinary families, home theater would be popular. Now 55 inch domestic TV market, has become a mainstream product, coming with four LCD panel production line construction and operation more than 10 generations, 60-70-inch LCD TV Panel costs will drop substantially, into the homes of ordinary people will not be difficult. So predictable is that home theater will become more and more popular. Perhaps the next 60-70 inch LCD TV is not necessarily present, for sure in the decoration on the embedded on a wall in your home.

LG is working on using OLED panels "-wall" TV when popularization 60-70 LCD TV, could it not be "walls" TV? The future in the Internet era, displayed everywhere, large LCD panel production capacity and low price, maybe your dining table, fridge side will become the LCD. Information accessible from anywhere, can join at any time to achieve, it is a fascinating position.

Perhaps, this is the reason Terry Gou started to continue betting on 10.5 Zwingen. A wide range of display technology in the Internet age will flourish, who would have bet on success, let us wait and see.

中国液晶十代生产线大扩军,产能抛开韩国 - 液晶,OLED - IT资讯

















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