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published in(发表于) 2016/12/31 2:03:02 Edit(编辑)
Millet seder infield to take more warm, red wine, white wine, beer, any drink

Millet seder infield to take more warm, red wine, white wine, beer, any drink(小米家宴内场照多图:温馨,红酒、白酒、啤酒任意喝)



Millet seder infield to take more warm, red wine, white wine, beer any seder-millet-IT information

Millet family dinner in the canteen meal tonight in millet, although a few days before the exposure menu lets people see is fog, but lucky enough to to eat rice don't care about these details, millet organized the feast site what's so surprising about it? Millet internal staff in a drying out of the dinner scene on Twitter photos, what dishes do not know, but I can see a lot of wine has even set, the rhythm is not drunk or under.

Can see the site has laid a "red carpet" welcome ladies and rice's visit, Red Lobster posters paved road, and looks like snow crab, big crab posters hung in every place, in front of millet and millet rice cooker can also see Water Purifier.

Lei will come to millet and millet all the founders dinner celebrating with rice noodles, flow: near millet, talked about, photographing family, feast of the year. Scene replete with wine, beer, liquor, beverage, what exposure before "the dark eye", "technology and art", "black science" will be what kind of dishes do? Millet and whether it is really so generous publicity on the lobster, a crab and rice on the side of the table? An evening feast believes there will be a potluck dish uncovered.

Funny thing is, for hosting this dinner, meal millet canteen employees closed all day today, employees can only arrange for meals, but for the company's activities, and can only be "grievance".

小米家宴内场照多图:温馨,红酒、白酒、啤酒任意喝 - 小米家宴 - IT资讯





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