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published in(发表于) 2016/12/31 2:02:47 Edit(编辑)
Faye Wong concert live data: only receiving nearly 3 million Yuan,

Faye Wong concert live data: only receiving nearly 3 million Yuan,(王菲演唱会直播数据出炉:仅收礼物近300万元,)



Faye Wong concert live data: only receiving nearly 3 million Yuan-Faye Wong concert, Faye-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information, news on December 31, closely watched Faye Wong concert has been held in Shanghai as scheduled last night, the concert due to high ticket prices to many arguments, highest price 7800 Yuan, reportedly fired into 600,000 1,000,001. In fact, other than to watch this to Faye Wang's concert in Tencent's video, which was broadcast live through live revenue is also expensive.

Tencent's data shows that total number of watch the Faye Wong concert live at 21.49 million people, total harvested 28.138 million gift, equivalent to about 2.813 million Yuan, including top tips number one fan total of 921,000 presents tips, that's about more than 90,000 yuan, also get phantom custom audio, and Faye signature gift.

In addition, the Faye Wong concert by VR 360 ° video, which was broadcast live, just wanted to see it have to pay 30 yuan.

Did you watch the live broadcast?

王菲演唱会直播数据出炉:仅收礼物近300万元 - 王菲演唱会,王菲 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯讯 12月31日消息,备受瞩目的王菲演唱会已经于昨晚如期在上海召开,此次演唱会由于票价过高存在不少争议,定价最高的7800元票,据报道被炒成了60万甚至100万一张。实际上,除了去现场看之外,此次王菲的演唱会还在腾讯视频进行了直播,通过直播的收入也是不菲。


另外,此次王菲演唱会还通过VR 360°视频进行了直播,只不过想观看的话需要付费30元。


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