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published in(发表于) 2016/12/31 2:02:33 Edit(编辑)
2016 China entrepreneurship report: higher education, entrepreneurial intentions, the lower the

2016 China entrepreneurship report: higher education, entrepreneurial intentions, the lower the(2016中国大学生创业报告:学历越高,创业意向越低,)



2016 China entrepreneurship report: higher education, entrepreneurial intention as low as entrepreneurs, college students-IT information

28th at Renmin University in Beijing released the 2016 China entrepreneurship report. Report notes that more education for Chinese students, lower entrepreneurial intention and non-key university students have a greater sense of willingness, perhaps because of China's higher education entrepreneurial opportunity costs are relatively high.

The report compiled jointly by the Renmin University School of business and the school of publishing. Report based on a study of China's 31 provinces (regions and municipalities) 1767 University over more than 430,000 in school or graduate student's questionnaire. 89.2% of respondents considered entrepreneurship, 18.2% of respondents have a strong entrepreneurial intentions. 70% per cent of the respondents entrepreneurial motivation for self-realization needs.

Food, agriculture, IT, transport, education and cultural industry becomes the main areas where students start their own business. Among them, the 13.8% entrepreneurs choice in accommodation and catering businesses, 13.7% of entrepreneurs in farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery businesses.

90% per cent of students believed that help enterprise education for entrepreneurship. "Priority project related" became the most popular school entrepreneurial incentives for students. In addition, the "laboratory equipment open to students" and "transfer to students on research priorities", "business is credit", "relaxed learning years" policy was welcomed by the entrepreneurial students to varying degrees.

Report also noted that the study worked closely with practice of college students have a greater sense of willingness. 23.2% of Arts students have a strong entrepreneurial intentions, Agronomy and engineering application-oriented students strong entrepreneurial intention and basic subjects such as history and science students ' undertaking intention is relatively low.

Pioneering work practice at the present stage the biggest obstacle is lack of money and lack of experience. Six entrepreneurs using its own funds (own funds, family members and business partners) business 40% entrepreneurs not only major external funding (funding from banks, investment institutions, Governments, and schools).

2016中国大学生创业报告:学历越高,创业意向越低 - 创业,大学生 - IT资讯







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