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published in(发表于) 2016/12/20 8:59:37 Edit(编辑)
College students ’ self-learning technology to disseminate child pornography videos, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months,

College students ’ self-learning technology to disseminate child pornography videos, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months,(大学生自学技术传播儿童淫秽视频,被判刑1年6个月,)



College students ' self-learning technology to disseminate child pornography videos, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months-pornographic videos, college students-IT information

On December 20, 19 years old this year, Sun was in Beijing for a second year at the University, academic excellence, personal quirks, Sun regularly use QQ Group, Baidu is clouds, etc to buy spread child pornography videos. Because he is good at English and computer technologies, learning technologies, through an offshore site to publish child pornography videos, and switching back to "domestic seen" obscene videos. Beijing police after receiving the clues and cracked the outside Beijing's first use of illegal websites distributing child pornographic videos. Beijing morning news reporter learned yesterday, after two court trials, Sun for the crime of spreading pornographic stuff, and eventually was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months.

Receiving us clues Beijing detection

On March 7 this year, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the network security team informed the Ministry of public security, China received clues, United States Department of Homeland Security Bureau of customs and immigration enforcement in routine inspections found on multiple space hidden outside networks released a large number of child pornography images and videos, check in early after the US side, Publisher displays the IP address for Beijing. By a few days to track, informed the police finally found the United States in Beijing, has become a pornographic website "VIP" members of the suspects.

Police based on the clues, in Chaoyang District, the suspect captured Sohn. At Sun's House, police found pornographic videos of up to 3T, among them child pornographic video 400G. In Sun's cell phone and computer, police found more than more than 30 QQ groups, these groups devoted to the dissemination of child pornography videos, pictures, audio, and other group members can download or share of Baidu is clouds to the Group link to download. An account of Sun, in order to avoid combat, these group of retention time is generally about 10 days.

Introduction of network security corps, Sun gang crime means high, bad, covers a wide range, is very rare in China, Beijing police cracked the case of the first use of offshore illegal websites distributing child pornographic videos.

Dissemination of pornographic material was sentenced to 1.5 year

By the Court of first instance finds that the September 2015 to March 2016, Sun in the Chaoyang District home login forums, upload video files available for others to view and download multiple times, which contains minor sexual content. After appraisal, the uploaded video file 40 belonging to pornographic materials. The Court of first instance considered, Sun use the Internet to spread pornographic material, if the circumstances are serious, his behavior had constituted the crime of spreading obscene articles. Spread the sex of minors of pornographic electronic information on the Internet should be punished. Combined with the case, the Court of first instance sentenced Sun shall be sentenced to 1 year and 6 months.

After Sun appealed against the judgment of first instance, appeal, his lawyer believes that lower court penalty, Sun has performed meritorious service. Sohn case attempted to expose after another, but after verification, belongs to the investigative organs have already mastered the leads and its contents truthfully, do not meet the crime plot. Three court accordingly rejected the appeal, upheld.

大学生自学技术传播儿童淫秽视频,被判刑1年6个月 - 淫秽视频,大学生 - IT资讯









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