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published in(发表于) 2016/12/19 8:47:29 Edit(编辑)
Snapchat is coming to China? It was Shenzhen core team,

Snapchat is coming to China? It was Shenzhen core team,(Snapchat要来中国了?它正在深圳组建核心团队,)



Snapchat is coming to China? It was Shenzhen core team-Snapchat, burn after reading-IT information

Snapchat mobile social application will enter the County? The answer to this question has been thought provoking. Already popular in Europe and America after the "millennial generation" of it in overseas has been copied by companies such as Facebook, but has no original mode as the "Copy to China" version.

The situation may be changing, according to the app, the public "School of application data," said Snapchat's parent company, Snap Inc. County set up research and development team, hiring iOS and Android engineers.

These engineers will be Snap Inc. the backbone of the Chinese team members, is responsible for the core of the camera's terminal development. Provided by the public, according to the job posting, recruiting object must have at least 3 years experience in platform development, preferably T3 Tencent employees or Ali P6 level or above. The new team will work in Shenzhen.

Salaries and benefits of the new post will be very generous: in addition to higher wages, will also be provided, stock, and have the opportunity to go to the United States team.

Snapchat initial version is a mere "burn after reading" chat software, users send text, picture and video destroyed automatically after the set time, if the other news screenshot, the system will notify the sender. May 2012 platform sent 25 pictures per second, to the photo in December of that year the total has surpassed 1 billion. This is Snapchat's first explosion.

By the end of 2013, Snapchat My Stories feature (later simplified into Stories), allows the user to record a video with a variety of special effects and titles, and then send it to a friend or share it with all of the attention. Results Snapchat because this new feature in the second explosion, shortly after the launch platform has exceeded the number of Stories after reading burn the amount of information, Snapchat became one of the most popular social networks and content distribution platform. The company subsequently in Stories based on continuous research and development of new functions such as face in real time, almost every success.

This drew jealousy from Facebook, it acquired Instagram, WhatsApp acquisition Snapchat. In mid-November 2013, news Snapchat rejects Facebook $3 billion acquisition of point in time exactly Stories feature launched a month later. Enraged, Facebook has established a Creative Labs, in three years ' time has developed a Poke, Slingshot and Bolt three comprehensive copying Snapchat software, and have shut down because of the users do not buy it.

Coincidentally, the end of 2015, the company also tried to copy the Snapchat. At that time, it will challenge the app failed "" revamped, redesigned Logo, names called "little worm" respected "most young fashion, burn after reading chat mode. ”

Snap Inc. research and development team are in Chinese. For example, the camera as the core technology of Snapchat, team leaders are Chinese engineers before Li Jia. She worked at Google internship 2011 joined Yahoo, 2014 became senior researcher, led Yahoo's laboratory of Visual Computing and machine learning Department. February 2015, Li Jia joined the Snapchat as group head of research and development of artificial intelligence, which used nearly two years introduced many new features, such as real-time face filter, the core technology from lijia team. Li Jia recently joined Google.

Jia Li

Apple's iOS supervisor Scott forstall (Scott Forstall) after he was fired from Apple, has joined the Snapchat as a technical adviser, who gave his 0.11% shares in return. Snapchat iOS client visual appearance is very high, often can create some interesting interactions with industry did not exist before.

Snap Inc. the technical team to be reckoned with, joined the company on a number of technical talent is very attractive--after all, it won't be a year or two and it will on the market. Snap Inc. has not been mentioned in this article, Shenzhen post to answer.

Snapchat要来中国了?它正在深圳组建核心团队 - Snapchat,阅后即焚 - IT资讯

手机社交应用Snapchat会否进入中国大陆?这个问题的答案一直耐人寻味。已经风靡欧美90后“千禧一代”的它,在海外已经被Facebook等公司抄了个够,却一直没有原模原样的“Copy to China”版本。

情况可能正在发生变化,据微信公众号“数据应用学院”称,Snapchat的母公司Snap Inc.正在中国大陆组建研发团队,招聘Android和iOS工程师。

这些工程师将成为Snap Inc.在中国研发团队的骨干成员,负责核心相机的终端开发工作。据该公众号提供的招聘启事,招聘对象必须有 3年以上对应平台开发经验,最好是腾讯T3或阿里P6级别或以上的员工。这个新团队将在深圳工作。



到了2013年底,Snapchat推出My Stories功能(后来简化成Stories),允许用户录制一段视频并加上各种特效和字幕,然后发送给朋友或者分享给所有的关注者。结果,Snapchat因为这个新功能迎来了第二次爆炸式增长,推出不久后平台上的Stories内容条数已经超过了阅后即焚信息的数量,让Snapchat摇身一变成了最火的社交网络和内容传播平台。后来该公司在Stories的基础上不断研发像实时换脸等新功能,几乎每一次都大获成功。

这引来了Facebook的嫉妒,它想像收购Instagram、WhatsApp那样收购Snapchat。2013年11月中旬,有消息传出Snapchat拒绝了Facebook 30亿美元的收购,时间点正好是Stories功能推出一个月之后。恼羞成怒的Facebook成立了一个Creative Labs,在三年时间里先后开发了Poke、Slingshot和Bolt三款全面抄袭Snapchat的软件,又都先后因为用户不买账而关停。


Snap Inc.的研发团队中不乏华人。比如,相机作为Snapchat的核心技术,之前的团队负责人就是华人女工程师李佳。她曾在Google实习,2011年加入雅虎,2014年成为资深研究员,开始领导雅虎实验室的视觉计算和机器学习部门。2015年2月,李佳加入Snapchat担任人工智能团队的研发主管,该应用近两年推出的很多新功能,比如实时换脸滤镜等,其核心技术都出自李佳的团队。李佳前不久刚刚加入Google


苹果前iOS主管斯考特·福斯特(Scott Forstall)在被苹果解雇之后,也加入了Snapchat担任技术顾问,后者给他派了0.11%的股份作为回报。Snapchat iOS客户端视觉美观度很高,也经常能创造出一些之前业界没有的有趣交互。

Snap Inc.的技术团队实力不容小觑,加入这家公司对不少技术人才的吸引力都很大——毕竟过不了一两年它也要上市了。Snap Inc.尚未就本文中提到的深圳岗位给出答复。

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