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WebService在.NET中的实战应用教学视频 → 第2集
published in(发表于) 2016/12/19 8:47:23 Edit(编辑)
Much of my brother! Middle School programming in China ranked second in the world,

Much of my brother! Middle School programming in China ranked second in the world,(厉害了我的弟!中国中学编程能力世界排名第二,)



Much of my brother! Middle School programming in China ranked second in the world-students, program-IT information

When it comes to code, we may first thought is United States Silicon Valley and Zhongguancun, Beijing. Just expand a bit, might want to think about code-rich bupt Qing Hua University. But you know, writing code, it implements the "channel down" and even high school students to "jobs".

According to the Nanfang daily reported, recently published the program of the THE school rankings from China Guangdong Zhongshan Memorial Secondary School beat world famous school, won the second place.

(Photo: Fastcompany)

Before the list was published, United States leading programming organization global programming competition for the HackerRank has attracted 126 schools of more than 5,500 students from around the world participating, HackerRank according to the results obtained for the list.

It is reported that on the list, respectively, are in the top five Russia University of light machine (ITMO University), China Zhongshan Memorial middle school, Viet Nam's Ho Chi Minh City University of technology (Ho Chi Minh City University of Science), United States, University of California, Berkeley (Cal Berkeley) and Canada's University of Waterloo (University of Waterloo). Among them, the Sun Yat sen Memorial middle school is the only high school in the top five .

Russia University students light machine research (photo: ITMO University)

Analysts pointed out that the "operational" strong programming, programming capacity is proportional to the academic level of the schools do not necessarily. According to Fastcompany reported, ranked first in the list and sixth in Russia never entered College United States world famous universities in the world top 50 with the news, but it doesn't erase its advantage in the area of programming.

Equally surprising was, from Sun Yat sen Memorial middle school is not a world famous school in China, even compared to other participating schools, just a high school. But over the years in the field of information science education in deep to make it stand out.

It is learned that the Chungshan Memorial junior high school the information of key disciplines to develop culture. After more than 10 years of exploration, Sun Yat-sen Memorial College has formed a complete set of competitions at home and abroad training, personnel training system.

Informatics competitions in Guangdong Province, the school has won eight times in a row the province first, and 32 people elected to the Guangdong provincial team in the China final. In China's final gold medal 12 times, winning national team 15 times, nearly 20 people were admitted to Tsinghua walks. It is said that the campus is very big and beautiful, known as "China's most beautiful high school" picture that you enjoy.

(Photo: the Sun Yat sen Memorial middle school)

In this competition, won the 13th place of Weng Wentao pointed out that from the age of 11 he began to learn programming, except to spend four hours a day on average outside the programming exercises, the school will also provide counselling and help. Another award-winning students say at school, most students participate in extracurricular interest group for Informatics Olympiads.

As can be seen, despite the results of leading University high school beat surprising, but the reasons are understandable. After all, write code in addition to talent, solid basic skills are also essential. This Chinese engineers who were particularly significant.

(Photo: Phoenix Technologies)

Now "code rural" already rigorous logic level and solid basic skills become famous at home and abroad. Thanks to the model of basic education and the examination system, high level of Chinese engineers in the areas of mathematics and logic. But there are also expert analysis, in terms of understanding and teamwork of the whole system, Chinese engineers there are still not enough.

In addition, the traditional Chinese engineers focus on the micro level of technical problem-solving, innovation in technology, culture and overall lack of thought in establishment of commercial pattern, which led in China rarely appear "technology to change an industry," the company.

Therefore, whether in school education, also is the company culture, in addition to strengthening fundamentals, still need to continue to improve innovation capabilities. After all, Silicon Valley's success not only by "code rural", more leading science and technology leaders.

厉害了我的弟!中国中学编程能力世界排名第二 - 中学生,编程 - IT资讯





据悉,在该榜单中,排名前五位的分别是俄罗斯的圣光机大学(ITMO University)、中国的中山纪念中学、越南的胡志明城市科技大学(Ho Chi Minh City University of Science)、美国的加州大学伯克利分校(Cal Berkeley)和加拿大的滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)。其中,中山纪念中学是前五名中唯一的中学

俄罗斯圣光机大学学生展示研究成果(图片来自:ITMO University)

分析指出,对“实战”性极强的编程来说,编程能力与学校的学术水平并不一定成正比。据 Fastcompany报道,在榜单中排名第一和第六位的俄罗斯大学没有入围美国世界与新闻报道的世界知名大学前50名,但这并不能抹灭其在编程领域的优势。











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