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published in(发表于) 2016/12/19 8:47:16 Edit(编辑)
Behind the dongmingzhuwangjianlin cooperation: Miss Dong what had kept to make the car “crazy“? ,

Behind the dongmingzhuwangjianlin cooperation: Miss Dong what had kept to make the car “crazy“? ,(董明珠王健林合作背后:董小姐为何一直为了造车“狂”?,)



Behind the dongmingzhuwangjianlin cooperation: Miss Dong what had kept to make the car "crazy"? -Dong mingzhu, gree, Wang-IT information

In China, could not be found to second than Dong Jia Yue Ting on the car so there is only one person.

The two "I" has become a focus of media attention. Funny thing is, when Jia Yue Ting still car dreams burn, Dong also happily took her car dreams of first steps.

On December 15, the China Summit Forum held in Beijing. Manufacturing Forum "producing" a big news: Dong join Dalian Wanda group, cimc, Yan and Zhao in Beijing Huijin international investment company, Beijing, Jiangsu dongbang investment management limited capital increase agreement signed with Zhuhai yinlong together 3 billion capital increase, access to Zhuhai yinlong 22.388% equity.

It is reported that Dong mingzhu, personal investment of about 1 billion yuan, Zhuhai yinlong about 7.46% owned.

Just a month ago, on November 16, gree announcement, saying "received silver inform in writing long letters, was told that adjusted deal Zhuhai yinlong, the programme failed to get shareholder scrutiny and approval, silver long based on the voting results of Zhuhai's decision to end the deal. "In view of this," the company decided to terminate the plan to issue shares to buy assets "to declaring gree Zhuhai yinlong, the takeover failed.

However, Dong mingzhu car dreams did not end so. On December 10, sponsored by the China Entrepreneur magazine "2016 (15th) Chinese business leaders Conference, Dong said," Although we (of gree electric appliances acquired Zhuhai yinlong) did not succeed, but Dong mingzhu, sure to do. I hope you see my car, and gree phone, control temperatures at home, enjoy the delicacies of gree to you, this is my dream. ”

Please note that dong in the expressions used here is "my car", is hinted at in their personal capacity, to enter the automotive sector. Lenovo Dong mingzhu, praise for Zhuhai yinlong, I doubt Dong mingzhu, people wishing to enter the car business was probably yinlong in Zhuhai.

Fun, regardless of the outside world and how negative the Zhuhai gree electric appliances shareholders yinlong, Dong mingzhu of Zhuhai yinlong always yearn for it, outside Zhuhai yinlong evaluation and Dong mingzhu, assessment of the Zhuhai yinlong in sharp contrast.

Now we know, Dong mingzhu, Zhuhai yinlong, the individual has a strong looking!

People want to know is, why Dong mingzhu, Zhuhai yinlong so in love?

From the obvious, Dong in public occasions that she valued yinlong lithium titanate battery technology in Zhuhai, Zhuhai yinlong, the think it's most valuable asset. For example, she said, "yinlong is the most advanced technology in China and the world, the service life is 30, 6 minutes of electricity, high temperature 60 degrees, low temperature lingxia50du, in the context of this running. "So why someone object? Mr Tung's answer is: "because they only see the shortsighted. ”

However, external evaluations of lithium-titanate battery mixed, not optimistic about his voice higher.

The industry generally believes that the mainstream technology of lithium-titanate battery not power battery.

Lithium-titanate battery is characterized by fast, high safety, long cycle life; but the disadvantage is equally clear, low energy density, poor power. Batteries of the same size is applied on the same electric car, uses the ternary power battery car battery life 200 km, use lithium-titanate battery cars can only range of 100 km . Therefore, lithium titanate batteries are somewhat niche, non-mainstream battery products, most manufacturers of electric vehicles are not used.

The technical characteristics of lithium titanate battery determines the electric products only in the city of Zhuhai yinlong fixed-route bus, it is difficult to apply the mileage requirements higher and household products for electric cars of the running line is determined.

Compare with lithium titanate battery, Tesla electric car using Panasonic NCR 18650 3100mah ternary lithium battery, good consistency, number of charge and discharge, safe, high energy density and light weight, affordable price.

BYD select lithium iron phosphate batteries for electric cars.

Why the public and the industry on the battery of cognitive and Dong is so different ?

I tend to think that personal cognitive ability and Dong, and preconceived notions related to the cognitive style of Tung. Special attention such as her battery safety, think out of security on the battery does not make sense.

Sure, maybe there are other reasons that are not known to the outside world.

So bullish on Zhuhai yinlong, electric vehicle, Zhuhai gree cannot be achieved under yinlong acquisition, Dong decided to enter Zhuhai yinlong in their personal capacity. In a sense, for Zhuhai yinlong pledges, Ken is Dong mingzhu, a showdown between man and society most people.

Financial media "understand understand notes," Chin Dong June says that she does not understand Dong together Wang, Liu jointly the investment in the Zhuhai yinlong logic of new energy vehicles.

Can not read, because the investment is lack of logic.

That this is the case, you see Mr Wang investment in the Zhuhai yinlong reason how easy, completely unlike a rational business practices.

Reporters asked : "do you not doing thorough research? ”

Wang : "I think Dong mingzhu, research on the line, I don't have to do the research. ”

Reporter : "you long accounted for much of the Bank's shares after it? ”

Wang : "I really don't know."

Reporter : "We the investment sector is also well thought out, and did many rounds of discussion? ”

Wang : " No, no, what thought is to believe that Mr Tung always . ”

Reporter : "do you plan to visit to this company? ”

Wang : " our people went to see below. They said OK, Mr Tung has always said I follow shots, I didn't think about it . ”

Obviously, Wang's cast is friendship to join is not a rational decision. Indeed, 500 million Yuan for Wang is small, even if the drain is not too large .

I believe Liu investment in Zhuhai as logical and Wang yinlong, lobbying is for Dong's face.

Since it's been done, investors Zhuhai yinlong, the real concern is not whether investment in Dong mingzhu, who obtain better development, but as Dong mingzhu of gree, Chairman, President, and in his personal capacity investment in the Zhuhai yinlong means what? And the personal investment of Dong mingzhu of gree electric appliances and what effects?

One thing I am certain, regardless of Zhuhai yinlong as Dong, Wang and others how good development investments, and gree electric appliances doesn't matter, investors, after all, is not a gree electric appliances, it is Dong's personal behavior, Dong mingzhu, gree repairer of cars is not equal to.

So we found that Dong has yet to gree electric appliances to find the next "billions of layout", when first found himself with a place.

Silver long investors and Zhuhai gree, Chairman, President, Dong mingzhu yinlong was more in Zhuhai gree electric appliance body care less, from this perspective, the silver long Dong mingzhu, investment in the Zhuhai gree electric appliances is not a good thing.

Dong mingzhu can reach 10,000 for his investment in the Zhuhai yinlong explained, but an explanation of Dong mingzhu, could not be denied, and that is: she is 2018 gree electric Board of Directors election "resigned" Chairman ahead of the layout, like Zhuhai gree group of SASAC delegate Zhou Lewei served as Chairman of the Board for the 2018 gree electric appliances ahead of the general election of the Board layout, is a truth.

Dong mingzhu, in their personal capacity, investment in the Zhuhai yinlong, Tan suggested, may be associated with girlfriends. Tan wrote suggestions Dong mingzhu, reengineering, leaves a company of their own.

So two questions in front of Dong:

First, with 1 billion yuan of investment, Zhuhai shares yinlong also 7% a bit more, is far from the largest shareholder, does not have ultimate decision-making powers, to Dong mingzhu, an extremely strong personality, she can do it under the Gan Wei Yincang? If you cannot exert influence on Zhuhai yinlong, where she invested in that?

Second, Dong mingzhu, gree electric appliances, major shareholders of Zhuhai Municipal Commission to explain? Will give shareholders "Tung has had no intention of operating gree" guess? It's like a parents being sent to live up, ran to a neighboring work is the same. Passion under Dong mingzhu, will further deteriorate relations with the Zhuhai Municipal Commission?

--Served as Chairman of gree electric appliances is a migrant, one is their business--the investment in the Zhuhai yinlong, Dong mingzhu, how to balance between these two roles? Clearly, the Dong has set himself a difficult problem. I don't know at this point that eyeing the gree Group Chairman Zhou Lewei will feel.

Last supplementary question: Dong has been saying "gree acquired Zhuhai yinlong failed not because of small shareholders, 99.9% by small shareholders. "I would like to ask an expert: If 99.9% was adopted by the shareholders of both, why vote result is the acquisition of the motion whether it is?

董明珠王健林合作背后:董小姐为何一直为了造车“狂”? - 董明珠,格力,王健林 - IT资讯
















和钛酸锂电池相比,特斯拉电动车使用的松下NCR 18650 3100mah三元锂电池,一致性好,充放电次数多,安全性较好,能量密度大,重量轻,价格适中。






























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