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published in(发表于) 2016/12/17 11:33:50 Edit(编辑)
Google suffered a “nail House“: an offer of 7 million dollars to buy 1 acre farm was rejected,

Google suffered a “nail House“: an offer of 7 million dollars to buy 1 acre farm was rejected,(谷歌也遭遇“钉子户”:出价700万美金收购1亩农庄被拒绝,)



Google suffered a "nail House": bid $7 million acquisition of 1 acres farm denied-Google, environmental-IT information

Rich technology giants Google hit the "nail House".

According to the United Kingdom, the Guardian reported, United States Silicon Valley, San Francisco Bay area of California, where the family was reluctant to receive $7 million in damages from Google, refused to sell their farm.

Huge Google headquarters (the Googleplex) is located in mountain view, California, parks with a total area exceeding 25 acres. The Park completely surrounds an area less than 1 acre farm, there are a few old pickup truck, a crumbling ice Gallery, and several local artists such as Mihail Kivachitsky lived.

? "Nail House" Martinelli

In global science and Technology Center, the city used to be anarchic haven for hippies, now often used to refer to Google, Apple and Facebook, where the giants of industry.

As early as 1940, when Silicon Valley was a farmer, Victor Martinelli bought this land today. He died in 2011. 79 Victoria Martinelli is the oldest Member of the family, as well as Victor's sister. Victoria remembered 70 years ago, and his family grew vegetables and fruits as well as driving a tractor transport scene.

She's actually on sale or not had an ambiguous attitude, young family members agreed to sell the land.

"We live here," says Leonard Martinelli, 49, said, "we don't need the money. Now, it is not for sale. "Leonard's sister Sandra added," we keep it, is to preserve the history. ”

While Silicon Valley has been very generous in the preservation of historic work, such as this farm is only 1 mile away from the computer history museum has a huge, but the industry and its supporters seem to be memories of before the high-tech era and there is not much interest.

"I don't think anyone will think to have any historical significance," mountain Leonard Siegel said, "eventually these farms will be gone, they have no reason to remain, no features. ”

Siegel thought of himself as a professional environmental promoters, he said, "Silicon Valley's advantage lies in the eternal consciousness of change. ”

For decades since the foreign pioneer of agricultural land south of San Francisco into a land one of the most expensive in the world. Martinelli Family has seen a rise in land prices.

Estimation of Silicon Valley, according to a local real estate expert Myron Von Raesfeld, "(Martinelli), this piece of land valued at between $5 million and $7 million. "Google did not reply to inquiries relating to the land price.

Science and technology news website the register says, California per acre of land worth $39000, ranks eighth among States in America, mountain view, where two pieces of land up for sale for 0.44 acres and 0.52 acres, priced at $2.5 million and $2.8 million respectively, so Google bid much higher than the market price.

谷歌也遭遇“钉子户”:出价700万美金收购1亩农庄被拒绝 - 谷歌,环保 - IT资讯



庞大的谷歌总部(Googleplex)位于加州山景城,园区总面积超过25英亩。该园区完全包围了一个面积不足1英亩的农庄,这里有几辆破旧的皮卡货车、一个摇摇欲坠的冰库,以及住着Mihail Kivachitsky等几位当地艺术家。



早在1940年代,当时的硅谷还是一片农田,Victor Martinelli买下了如今的这块土地。他在2011年就已去世。79岁的Victoria Martinelli是该家族最年长的成员,同时也是Victor的妹妹。Victoria还记得70年前和家人在这里种蔬菜水果以及开拖拉机运输的情景。


“我们生活在这里,”现年49岁的Leonard Martinelli说,“我们不需要钱。现在它不卖。”Leonard的妹妹Sandra补充说,“我们保留着它,就等于在保留了历史。”


“我不觉得有人会认为那块地有任何历史意义,”山景城的议员Leonard Siegel说,“最终这些农庄都会消失,他们没有可以保留下去的理由,没有特色。”



据硅谷当地一名地产专家Myron Von Raesfeld估算,“(Martinelli家)这块地估价在500万美元到700万美元之间。”而谷歌并未答复有关这块地价格的询问。

科技新闻网站the register称,加州每英亩土地价值39000美元,在全美各州中排第八,其中山景城两块挂牌在售的土地为0.44英亩和0.52英亩,售价分别为250万美元和280万美元,因此谷歌出价远高于市场价。

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