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published in(发表于) 2016/12/17 11:33:48 Edit(编辑)
Female white collar workers were “easy“ car driver with knives hijacked: filling a sleeping pill

Female white collar workers were “easy“ car driver with knives hijacked: filling a sleeping pill(女白领遭“易到”专车司机持刀劫持:被灌安眠药)



Female white collar workers were "easy" car driver with knives hijacked: filling a sleeping pill-Web about cars, car-IT information

Miss Song of Nanjing bank account manager, on September 26, after you add the class "to" taxi software called a special car back to home in Jiangning. To pick the driver was more than 20 years old boy Wu. But Miss Song found that the car was a Pentium, model, vehicle identification number and "easy" software registration is not the same. "How do you Vin is different from the displayed on the software, models right eh? "In the face of questioning, Wu explained," to "registered the car repair, open is the boss of his own car. Miss song didn't feel any problems, just sat on the back seat.

A criminal suspect Wu

NG about a driving NET

Go to Jiangning road, Wu driving route is right. When Kai went to India Avenue and bamboo road junction nearby, Wu suddenly stopped and pulled out a knife, threatening song don't fight, bring out money and bank cards. Face emergencies, song wanted to open the door to escape, door is locked. In protest, Miss song cut by blade with both hands (forensic constitutes a minor injury). The driver and confiscated hand, took out a knife, against the neck and threatened to severely Miss Song: "you fight again, I'll kill you. ”

Faced with this situation, Miss song decided to give up resistance, silent obediently sitting on the car. Wu took prepared plastic tie her hands and feet tied, and mineral water and a sleeping pill and forced to Miss song taken down, and she took a taxi service and mobile positioning systems switched off, then forced her out of a bank card password. Unconsciously, the song lost consciousness, and when she woke up, over seven hours, the car in a high-speed drive, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.

Gets the trust quietly after the app to locate the alarm

Wake up song found that rear seat window glass has been on Wu with newspapers all paste. In order to ensure its own security, active and Wu chatted up Miss Liu. "Why are you doing these things? "I lost in business also made a usurious loan, I'll take money, 30,000 is enough. "Wu is so" Frank ", song said, you want the money from the card just to get in, I would not call the police.

Have arrived the next morning, did not bank on the freeway, Yuhang district, Hangzhou City, until the territory, Wu got off with a song bought PayPal and drugs early, he and Ms song for treating injuries, and then continue. Since then, Tiantai County, all the way up to, Miss song along with him talking about work and family, to hold each other to ensure its own security. During the Sun several times to get off with a credit card to buy cigarettes, cash in more than 30,000 yuan. The evening meal, Wu Song locked in the car, buy back to feed her, bought a bottle of wine, for song to accompany her to drink up.

Wu said of the guard, and I've got the money, I will release you. Heard Wu were going to visit friends, Miss song wants to go, definitely not running, said she was his girlfriend.

That evening, Miss song phone rang. Because there is a certain trust, Wu will phone to Miss song. Phone is the song of a client, says a business thing. Wu met when she called a tie, didn't take the cell phone back and drove on the road.

To Wu in a friend's House, because I do not know how this relationship between Wu and friends, accomplices, song did not risk for help, but while others pay no attention, and little sent the letter to father, but friends said he was kidnapped, and position the past ... ...

Zhejiang police investigation overnight rescued

About 8:40, when Wu and a friend when playing cards, Miss song's cell phone rang, she saw Taizhou local number, estimated to be relatives and friends call the police. Wu was present, she immediately pressed and slowly toward the door. Don't feel Wu with out. Coincidence that they saw two civilian police came almost simultaneously.

Worried that Wu suddenly to their detriment, song said, may be the family he was not home, so call the police. Police, Wu said he and Ms song are friends, who come out to play. Police will miss song aside identification and alarm information from the Nanjing said police, is designed specifically to save her.

In this way, Wu was taken away by local police, has since been handed over to police in Nanjing.

Jianye district case prosecutors said Wu from Anhui Province, 25 years old, opened a car wash in Nanjing last September bought a Pentium, pay more than 2000 Yuan a month car loan, to alleviate the pressure on part-time network about truck drivers. Due to the car wash business, he would have lost more than 300,000, also borrowed more than 100,000 usury. Seeing repayment day is coming up, they simply could not afford to, just desperate. But it was a carefully prepared, utility knife, plastic cable ties and newspapers are ready to paste the Windows.

On November 3, against Zhao Nanjing, jianye district people's Procuratorate on suspicion of robbery approved the arrest. At present, the case is under further examination and prosecution.

Registration information is online about vehicle platform

Case Prosecutor said the net about truck driver robbery case was typical, exposing about car platform for owners of current network status monitoring common vulnerabilities. Wu in the "easy" registration on the platform of the vehicle, the vehicle identification number is fake, but this platform was not found in the day-to-day supervision of. From now on, they will issue the procuratorial recommendations in view of this situation to the competent authorities.

Today, Wu faces criminal penalties. Prosecution and sentencing is sentenced to 3-4 years.

On civil compensation to Miss song, experts say, not only Wu to bear, as a platform for network about "easy" also have a responsibility. Silver in Beijing (Nanjing) law firm senior partner Cai Qingtao counsel, nets around car platforms "to" joint and several liability to Miss song stolen. Because online about vehicle platform should strengthen safety supervision, driver access, vehicle access must be active, and assume the corresponding responsibility, which in itself is public safety requirements, also in line with the social equity and justice.

In the "network about" flourish at the same time, security risks also go hand in hand, must be given high priority. Network platform on household vehicle information about cars to check network booking taxi operators bear the liability of the carrier to ensure operational safety, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

According to China's Supreme People's Court on several issues concerning the trial of personal injury compensation cases for legal interpretation of article 6th: "the damage caused by any third party infringement results from implementation of third party liability in tort. Security obligations people at fault, should be in them to prevent or stop corresponding supplementary liability within the scope of the damage. "Net legitimate rights and interests of some against car drivers, network about car platform of the company shall bear the joint and several liability.

In addition, the 130th of the General principles of the Civil Code provides that two or more persons jointly infringe upon damage shall bear joint and several liability. 87th article, are two or more number of creditors or the debtor, in accordance with the provisions of the law or the agreement between the parties, the joint rights of each creditor, has the right to require the debtor to discharge obligations; are jointly and severally liable, the obligation of each debtor, have the obligation to pay off all debts, fulfilled its obligation to the people, and the right to have a person who is jointly and severally liable to pay he should share.

Therefore, the network was robbed about car platform for joint and several liability for losses.

The Prosecutor reminded

Case Prosecutor said, take the net about cars, safety is the most important, encounter unexpected situations, must be calm disposition, physical safety in the first place. Usual network about cars, to take note of the following:

1, met about car registration plates and license plates are not the same, not to sit.

2, entered no co-pilot, especially single women. Select behind the driver's seat, and if you encounter bad drivers, in the back can be perceived ease of response in a timely manner.

3, when, it is best to contact immediately to relatives and friends, to inform the other to take the vehicle brands, but for those who have criminal intentions of criminals play a deterrent role, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting its own security.

女白领遭“易到”专车司机持刀劫持:被灌安眠药 - 网约车,专车 - IT资讯































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