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published in(发表于) 2016/12/15 10:41:16 Edit(编辑)
Russia singles best hacker ingenuity: strip club knock codes

Russia singles best hacker ingenuity: strip club knock codes(俄罗斯选拔最厉害黑客别出心裁:脱衣舞俱乐部里敲代码,)



Russia singles best hacker ingenuity: strip club knock codes-Russia, hacker, stripper-IT information

According to the United Kingdom the Sun newspaper's website, 13th, Russia was fighting people, singles best hacker ingenuity-way placed in a strip club, a group of hackers, tapping code side to avoid being distracted striptease action that cannot be described.

It is said that this is to test whether hackers in "extremely difficult" environment, maintain focus on code.

It was a "no mercy" match. However, most concentration of hackers get in return a lot: not only job opportunities but also free striptease.

Russia hacker once was "accused of manipulating the" United States presidential election is known.

Original title: to withstand the temptation of strippers, to become the most powerful hacker | Russia election of hackers, IT edit modify, as necessary, of information.

俄罗斯选拔最厉害黑客别出心裁:脱衣舞俱乐部里敲代码 - 俄罗斯,黑客,脱衣舞娘 - IT资讯






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