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published in(发表于) 2016/12/14 9:43:46 Edit(编辑)
Original Yang weize, Secretary of Nanjing bribes of over 16 million, was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months

Original Yang weize, Secretary of Nanjing bribes of over 16 million, was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months(南京原书记杨卫泽受贿超1600万,获刑12年6个月)



Original Yang weize, Secretary of Nanjing bribes of over 16 million was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months

People's daily client on December 14, December 14, 2016, the intermediate people's Court of Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Provincial Committee publicly original, Member of original Yang weize, Secretary of Nanjing municipal Committee bribery case, the defendant's Yang weize sentenced to 12 years and six months on charges of taking bribes, and 2 million yuan of personal property confiscated; Yang weize bribery proceeds of property and interest shall be recovered and turned over to the State Treasury.

Identified by the trial: from 2005 to 2014, the defendant's Yang weize has served as CPC municipal Committee of Wuxi, Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Nanjing municipal Committee, such as the convenience of duty, for the relevant units and individuals in real estate development, management, the company promoted on matters such as help, either directly or through his wife illegally receiving property from the people amounted to 6,434,643 Yuan is equivalent to 1.

Ningbo city intermediate people's Court believes that defendant's Yang weize's behavior constituted the crime of bribery. After Yang weize case, bearing, truthfully their crimes, active account not available for handling some of the facts of the crime of accepting bribes; the sentence commuted, and actively tuizang, all the illicit money and goods have been recovered, with statutory or discretionary punishment if the circumstances, may be given a lighter punishment according to law. Court made the ruling.

(Editors: xiaowugang UN845)
2016-12-14 15:42:10
Surging news
南京原书记杨卫泽受贿超1600万 获刑12年6个月


  经审理查明:2005年至2014年,被告人杨卫泽先后利用担任中共无锡市委书记、江苏省委常委、南京市委书记等职务上的便利,为相关单位和个人在房地产开发、公司经营、职务提拔等事项上提供帮助,直接或者通过其妻非法收受相关人员给予的财物共计折合人民币1 643.4643万元。


(责任编辑:肖武岗 UN845)
2016-12-14 15:42:10

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