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published in(发表于) 2016/12/14 9:43:45 Edit(编辑)
Office: adherence to the one-China principle is to China and the United States to develop political

Office: adherence to the one-China principle is to China and the United States to develop political(国台办:坚持一个中国原则是中国和美国关系政治基础)



Office: adherence to the one-China principle is to China and the United States to develop political

Beijing News News (reporter Zhao Shi) for previously United States elected President trump "not understand beauty party why must by a China policy bound" of speech, in December 14 of country Taiwan do routine reporter will Shang, spokesman An Fengshan said, insisted a China principles is development China and United States relationship of political based, if this a based by interference and damage, China and United States relationship of health stable development on no on up.

At a press conference, journalists say, United States President-elect said in an interview, Trump said he fully understood the one-China policy, but do not understand why the United States must be subject to the one-China policy, and unless the United States reach agreement on other issues such as trade, how do you comment on?

An Fengshan said the Taiwan question bears on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and involves China's core interest, adhere to the one-China principle is the development of China and the United States the political foundations of the relationship, is the cornerstone of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. If the interference and damage to the base, China and the United States from the healthy and stable development of the relationship is impossible, peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait will suffer badly.

In addition, some media said Tsai recently told the media that she with Trump on the telephone to express Taiwan the United States respect elections and congratulated him on being elected United States President, should not be interpreted as a significant change in policy, she stressed that we all attach importance to stability in the region, and good Taiwan-US relations definitely contributes to the region's peace and stability, as well as cross-strait relations.

In this regard, said An Fengshan, we adhere to the one-China principle and opposing "Taiwan independence" separatist stance is firm and unshakable. In the anti-"Taiwan independence", split on the issue, we have a strong will, full of confidence and the ability.

(Editor: Yang Chen Hong)
2016-12-14 12:24:01
The Beijing News






2016-12-14 12:24:01

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