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published in(发表于) 2016/12/14 9:43:43 Edit(编辑)
Jiujiang officials misappropriated more than 1.7 million of public funds, a majority of the full game

Jiujiang officials misappropriated more than 1.7 million of public funds, a majority of the full game(江西九江官员挪用170多万公款,过半数充游戏币)



Jiujiang officials of misappropriating half used to recharge more than 1.7 million game Jiangxi Jiujiang | | | cadres _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, December 14, Reuters new media ("Xin Hua viewpoint" journalist Hu Jinwu, Yu Xianhong) recently, lianxi district of Jiujiang city, Jiangxi haihuizhen former Director Jiang Wei was ne bis in idem, agriculture and medicine, Jiujiang city intermediate people's Court sentenced to 8 years ' imprisonment on charges of corruption, 11 party members due to dereliction of duty by local leading cadres of discipline inspection and supervision departments to account.

"Xinhua viewpoint" reporter found that Jiang Wei as a town during the the Institute of agriculture and medicine, misappropriation of new rural cooperative medical capital of 1.725 million and squandered, of which more than half is used to charge Q money playing online games, and computer-generated 4 false online bank transfer screenshots easily escaped regulation.

 More than 1.7 million new rural cooperative funds were "trapped" waste

Jiang Wei in April 2012, has also been an Lushan district (May 30 this year changed its name to lianxi) haihuizhen, Director of the new rural cooperative medical management. In August 2015, Jiujiang city Lushan district organizations to carry out special inspection of new rural cooperative medical Fund, found haihuizhen 2015-ncms 1.725 million Yuan was not transferred to the Department of finance is responsible for the management of the new rural cooperative medical fund account.

According to local discipline inspection and supervision departments, December 9, 2014, until February 27, 2015, Jiang Wei for the collection of the new type of rural cooperative funds, Lushan district administration of new rural cooperative medical and paid to financial account, handled Lushan district haihuizhen 19,228 villages charged of new rural cooperative funds, amounted to 1730520 Yuan, after all the money deposited in his personal bank account.

On February 28, 2015, Jiang Wei retain ncms 1.725 million Yuan, surrendered only 5520 to Lushan district, agriculture and medicine special financial account. December 9, 2014, until August 18, 2015, Jiang Wei interception 1.725 million Yuan all squandered an empty, more than half of which is used to recharge the purchase Q coins, the balance for the purchase of cars, the return of personal borrowing and consumption.

August 18, 2015 at 22 o'clock, the public security organs in Lushan district, hotel Jiang Wei captured. After the incident, Jiujiang city Lushan district people's Procuratorate of anti-corruption authorities detained Jiang Wei used money to buy a BMW 3-series cars.

After the incident, local discipline inspection departments, Jiang Wei in the case there are serious dereliction of haihuizhen Party Secretary Zhang Xiangjin, haihuizhen Mayor Ye Bin, Chairman of the haihuizhen people's Congress Wang, haihuizhen Hu Yecun, Director of the justice people to initiate an investigation.

 Screenshot 4 false online bank transfer to avoid regulation

>: Tang Wei chun

Article keywords:
Jiangxi Jiujiang cadre

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Xinhua News Agency
江西九江官员挪用公款170多万 一半用来充值游戏币|江西|九江|干部_新闻资讯











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