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published in(发表于) 2016/12/12 11:03:20 Edit(编辑)
Every year in China “overwork death“ up to 600,000 people,

Every year in China “overwork death“ up to 600,000 people,(中国每年“过度劳累死亡”达60万人,)



Every year in China "overwork death" up to 600,000 people, overwork death, overtime-IT information

"There is a boss David, at six o'clock in the afternoon there, eyes like Black-backed, a hot pot of coffee in his hand, Hey, are we going to have a meeting ... ... Please, don't say that Word, baby OT feel empty, I was tired as a dog. ”

Some time ago, it's Divine Comedy of the empty feeling turned quickly brush through your circle of friends. Singing is one of many reasons the voices of workers--overworked, credit health.

Overtime normal, stressful work, and is now threatening the lives of many young people.

Recently, Suzhou, a 24-year old engineer, does not smoke or drink, no bad habits, but because of frequent and sudden death overtime. In these two days, Zhongshan, Xiamen University Hospital also came the two Prime news of doctor death.

Overwork death-the workplace unbearable weight

"Overwork" workplace, China seems to have become the norm. Primary cause of excessive overtime and result in overwork death. Statistics show that enormous pressure led to an annual "overwork deaths" number of up to 600,000 people, has overtaken Japan as "overwork death" first nation .

"Overwork death" threat has shifted from manual workers to intellectual workers, and younger. But this is not what industry phenomenon, advertising, media, healthcare and financial industries have not been spared.

"Overwork death" news, every once in a while meeting with the media.

In March 2015, Shenzhen aged 36 IT man Zhang bin, was found death in a hotel toilet, 1 o'clock in the morning, he made a last working message. It was reported that the project, he used to work at five or six in the morning and went to work. The day before his death, his mother said, "so tired".

In July 2015, a performing arts group employee surnamed Wang in Jiangsu Province, was found dead by colleagues in the dormitory, police after found to sudden cardiac death. Wang last performance before his death worked for more than 10 hours. The discretion of the Court to Wang deaths caused by the performing arts group 20% of the liability for losses.

June 29, 2016, the end of Deputy Editor Jinbo, a Beijing subway station on the tragic death of a cerebral hemorrhage. Colleagues say he work too hard over the years, long overtime, seemingly strong, physically broken down from constant overwork.

On June 30, 2016, Nanfang hospital, Southern Medical University, orthopedic trauma physicians Elixir is found in a hospital dormitory, died at the age of 45. Colleagues say the Golden doctor two days before his death, worked from early morning until about 10 o'clock last night, due to poor health in the dormitory after a rest. ……

Overwork death-the social interaction of individual and consolidated results

In terms of medicine explains, "overwork death" because of long working hours, labour increased, psychological pressure, have exhausted sub health state, apologized for acute deterioration of the body will suddenly raised potential victims than the sometimes life-threatening.

Directly contributed to "overwork death" followed by five diseases: coronary artery disease, aortic aneurysm, heart valve disease, cardiomyopathy and bleeding in the brain. In addition, digestive diseases, kidney failure, infection diseases can also lead to "overwork".

However, seem to be individual causes of overwork death, into a common social phenomenon, is a combined result of the interaction of many factors. For example, economic and social transformation pressure increases, increased competition, the social security system is not perfect, and so on.

In fact, many employees often pay to keep the family, and is closely related to promotion and career development, often choose the "voluntary overtime" and once "overwork death" tragedy, Chinese law does not attack associated with the work expressly provided, leading to "overwork deaths" in a dilemma with no legal protection. This "overwork without accountability" exacerbated "overwork" with impunity.

Overwork death, who sins? Who should pay for overwork death? How can we fight it?

CCTV reviews: how to say goodbye to overwork death "modern times"?

Attention overworked death sooner rather than later

This year's teacher's day, Political Commissar of the National Defense University Liu Asian to the podium, from school of a teacher who died young Xu Ruyan, and talked about the pressures and dilemmas of young and middle-aged cadres of the army. Asian tears several times, and appealed to the society: don't talk about love and other young and middle-aged cadres dead .

Highly competitive individual choice of background of the times, most people have been involved, are therefore of Charlie Chaplin's "modern times" interpretation of the last hundred years, but always like yesterday.

Loose rubber bands to compete hard in a short time. In one hour, it is difficult to "achieve the utmost abundance of material", will work as a pleasure. Can do at the moment, can only be to overloaded labour more institutional constraints, to rest and vacation rights guarantee for better, more flexible way for individuals. To pressure a break on Windows and give life a chance.

Legal system of protecting the rights of workers to achieve erections

China's 36th of the Labour Act stipulates that an eight-hour working day, "working time of 44 hours per week on average", 2008 on the adoption of the regulations on paid annual leave for employees, but for the last ten years, remains a dead letter in many units. "Leadership is the model workers, employees can't sue," "5+2" "white and black" is a typical, active rest and vacations tend to be treated as "lazy" explanation. From said evaluation system, although "performance assessment" have been more humane, but eventually the pain or comfort, depending on the performance of the standard itself. Standard is unreasonable, the so-called flexible working may be more led to stripping, resulting in involuntary "voluntary overtime". It can be said that real hard up the legal system to protect worker rights, workers without paralysis.

Many marketing units, such as foreign companies, IT companies, trade union organizations lack internal oversight can't form, and "flextime" market contract in black and white, the Labour Inspectorate has failed. In addition, the law on overwork deaths also was vague. Overwork death was work-related injury? Employers bear the responsibility? Once the punishment is unlikely, the lesson is never too big.

Everyone give your health a buffer

Individual choice is also important. There is no doubt that the vast majority of workers are not bosses "press" in sudden death on the table, they tend to be model workers, is a workaholic, hope beyond the self in their work. Seen on know a programmer: "1 year later, their fun comes from belittling other programmers, driving out other programmers-when the lowliest let someone leave, those people are the most fun, because it has proved stronger than their. ”

Is there no way to get easier? There are also. A Netherlands design company had an idea: to and from work, in case of without warning, desk together with the computer on the desk will launch only seat left on the ground. This "turning tables" of the design, not only guarantees the right to rest also urged employees to improve efficiency.

Perhaps, in this increasingly high levels of society, everyone should own a launch point table, a buffer of protection of health. After all, life and death, really can protect themselves is their own.

中国每年“过度劳累死亡”达60万人 - 过度劳累死亡,加班 - IT资讯































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