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published in(发表于) 2016/12/11 7:57:04 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang Telecom fraud released features: 21-30 years old are most likely to be deceived,

Zhejiang Telecom fraud released features: 21-30 years old are most likely to be deceived,(浙江公布电信诈骗案特征:21到30岁的人最容易被骗,)



Zhejiang Telecom fraud features released: 21-30-year-olds most likely to be cheated-Telecom fraud-IT information

December 10:88,900 accept telecommunications fraud cases across the province, involving more than 1.8 billion yuan; 134 involving more than 1 million cases, involving nearly 400 million; cheated more than thousands of extra cases, 6, one of the largest 35.9 million ... ... The only data of Zhejiang Province in January-November this year.

The morning of December 9, against management of telecommunication networks of new crimes, Zhejiang Province held a news conference in the Office of the joint meeting of work with big data telecom network fraud and announced that new crimes in Zhejiang Province against telecommunications network message focuses on awareness month was officially launched.

21 to 50 years most likely to be deceived

Telecommunications fraud cases against large, group-wide tricks much, can clearly be seen from the chart,.

For the first 11 months of this year the province's telecommunications network analysis of fraud victims, 21~50sui cheated 81%. The people are the backbone of society, mastering the riches, is also the largest involving network groups, social activities, information disclosure is more serious, liar focused on attacking the "sheep".

On the difficulty of the fight this type of crime is also increasing. According to the police, has emerged in China a new regional telecommunications network of career criminal groups. Criminal gangs so far this year to other parts of the country to recruit personnel, set up traffic outside dens used dialect of fraud with the villagers of the region more and more, to avoid combat, criminal dens from Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines and other countries to African development, extension and other places in Europe. Fighting, stop-loss, recover booty, arrests and other sectors, which require complex transnational police co.

Swindler's deception, follow the social hot spots, deceptively strong. As the G20 Summit, huzhou of Zhejiang Province and Wenzhou, posing as "G20 task force", "e-pass", induced the victims to join the app and click on the so-called "judicial official site" as long as the user clicks on the view, fraudsters by Trojans can read the user's mobile phone status, identity, features such as automatic modification and forwarding messages, names of new criminal methods.

Criminal investigation Corps Captain suggested to load mobile phone "shield"

9th, the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Bureau criminal investigation Corps Captain Yu Liu Jiang personally for public mobile phone APP "shields" stop calling upon people to load their phones a "shield".

In October, the Joint Office of the State Council of China issued a "Internet + against Telecom fraud" money to shield public platform. Money fraud shield against public platforms, Zhejiang users block 400,000 fraudulent phone and text messages per month per month effective fraud reporting data from Zhejiang China ranked second.

Qian Dun the user APP, but fraud phone number data synchronization to the police for the first time and open the open platform, which can identify, intercept scam calls, SMS, phishing sites, etc. Meanwhile, Qian Dun APP in real time the latest tricks-warning, to remind everyone to stay away from telecommunications fraud.

Anti-fraud experts to provide protection against

Two principles:

Don't believe will fall off the pie in the sky, not afraid of strangers calling to intimidate you.

Against ten methods:

Treat unsolicited phone calls and text messages need to be cautious.

Could not disclose the card number, password, and phone verification code, cannot believe that deposit "account go to security".

Keep in mind that bank card into the ATM transfers can only transfer funds on your card, others cannot be transferred to your card.

Magnetic stripe cards replaced as soon as possible for the IC card bound cell phone consumer debit card balance, not too much, not too much credit cards allow the overdraft limit.

Don't Rob a stranger red envelope; don't click unknown links do not use unencrypted WiFi; do not allow others to remotely operate your computer.

To use official bank APP for business.

Confirm the reliability of the site prior to entering important information.

Do not use ID number or birth date information as passwords, identification cards and bank cards apart to keep.

Split credit card POS machine with caution.

Card money was stolen, and reported to the police and complained to the issuing bank in a timely manner.

(Formerly entitled big data network fraud who is most likely to be cheated and the secrets, cheats and new)

浙江公布电信诈骗案特征:21到30岁的人最容易被骗 - 电信诈骗 - IT资讯



























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