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published in(发表于) 2016/12/11 7:56:46 Edit(编辑)
2017 Smartphone development trend forecast: designing novel, to run faster,

2017 Smartphone development trend forecast: designing novel, to run faster,(2017智能手机发展趋势预测:设计更新奇,运行更快,)



2017 Smartphone development trend forecast: designing new, faster-running smartphones, AR-IT information

Cheap smart phones are using virtual reality technologies; smart phones using advanced learning technology found the user's behavior pattern; USB-C will replace the Smartphone old connector, and charge cable Design Kit Kat Smartphone available or ... ... Recently, the United States computer world website 2017 is predicted smart phone that several trends.

Designing novel: cell phones can bend when wristbands

This year, Lenovo introduced flexible prototype Cplus, unlike the traditional Smartphone, this phone is the biggest feature is the completely bent, users can even as his wrist bands. Lenovo said the phone will be listed within 5 years.

United States business Insider Web site in late September reported that Apple in Israel's research and Development Center has been in the development of iPhone8 hardware, is expected to be released next year. Rumors of iPhone8 may Samsung offers double curved surface screen; Samsung may launch foldable Smartphone.

It is reported that most smart phones next year likely to be equipped with a stereo headphone jack, but manufacturers, including Apple may abandon the interfaces directly with Bluetooth headset instead, so phones become even thinner. Letv mobile phone and Motorola's Smartphone went further, wireless audio to be used instead.

In addition, the current smart phone memory up to 256G; Flash is up to 512GB. World famous Flash storage company di a 1TB Flash card model launched this year, although the company did not provide the product's shipment date, but can be predicted is that a wave of higher capacity Flash memory cards are coming to us.

Run fast: charge for 5 minutes and 5 hours

Qualcomm has announced that many high-end Android smartphones next year will install its latest Snapdragon 835 processor. This processor can make devices enhance performance of 27%, and reduce power consumption by 40%. Of course, some smart phones may choose less costly Helio X30 of the mediatek chip. Helio X30, 10 CPU, which makes mobile phones in many performance can be comparable with the computer.

In terms of download speed, at present, including the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Smartphones, Apple's iPhone 7 by LTE network to download data, maximum speed up to 600 Mbit/s, upload speed of 150 megabits/second. Next year, if the phone is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon X16 of the new modem, download speeds are expected to reach 1000 Mbit/s. Of course, achieving this download speed also depends on the operator's ability.

At present, Apple's new MacBook Pro computer and a 12-inch MacBook Tablet and Google Pixel cell phones are used, such as USB-C. Next year, the USB-C interface is expected to replace the Android phone's mini-USB 2.0 port, make smart phones charge more quickly. Supported high company Quick Charge 4 technologies such as smart-phone charging runs only 5 minutes to 5 hours.

User experience better mobile phones deep learning

At present, the only phone number, including the Samsung Galaxy S7 will run virtual reality technology. But next year, many middle-and high-end mobile phones are compatible with virtual reality. Users may phone in Google's "fantasy landscapes (DayDream View)" virtual reality within the head, watch movies, play games, or walk in the world of virtual reality. Of course, smartphones need to be equipped with high-definition virtual reality display, which for a stunning visual experience.

This year, Lenovo launched an augmented reality Smartphone Phab 2 Pro can recognize objects, displays information about objects on the screen. Next year, the Smartphone deep learning technologies are expected to make the phone more configuration becomes more friendly. For example, the device can be informed how the hardware being used by specific applications, so as to better regulate and enhance battery life power. Smartphones certainly can use the online service to identify the image and voice, and depth of learning were not connected by phone will be able to implement these functions.

Smartphone is expected to be Bluetooth 5 technical standards. "Predecessor" Bluetooth 4.2 compared to Bluetooth 5 twice times the data transmission speed in data transfer capacity has increased significantly. Bluetooth 5 coverage is 4 times more than the former, it is particularly valuable for portable speaker, the user can take the phone to a far away place, not worrying about the music breaks off. Users can also use cell phones, long-distance, wireless Bluetooth speakers or the car unlocked.

2017智能手机发展趋势预测:设计更新奇,运行更快 - 智能手机,AR - IT资讯








高通公司已宣布,明年很多高端安卓智能手机将安装其最新的Snapdragon 835处理器。这一处理器可令设备的效能提升27%,同时减少40%耗电量。当然,有些智能手机可能会选择成本更低的联发科的Helio X30芯片。Helio X30芯片有10块中央处理器,这就使得手机在很多性能方面可与电脑相媲美。

在下载速度方面,目前,包括三星公司的Galaxy S7和苹果公司的iPhone 7在内的智能手机能通过LTE网络下载数据,最大速度高达600兆位/秒,上载速度为150兆位/秒。明年,如果手机配备了高通公司新的Snapdragon X16调制解调器,下载速度有望达到1千兆位/秒。当然,实现这一下载速度另一方面也有赖于运营商的能力。

目前,苹果的新MacBook Pro电脑和12英寸MacBook平板电脑,以及Google Pixel手机等都采用了USB-C。明年,USB-C接口有望取代安卓手机上的微型USB 2.0端口,使智能手机充电更快速。辅之高通公司的Quick Charge 4等技术,智能手机充电仅仅5分钟就可运行5个小时。


目前,仅有包括三星Galaxy S7在内的数款手机能运行虚拟现实技术。但明年,很多中高端手机都能兼容虚拟现实。用户或许能将手机插进谷歌的“白日梦风景(DayDream View)”虚拟现实头显内,观看电影、玩游戏,或者漫步于虚拟现实世界。当然,虚拟现实智能手机需要配备高清显示屏,从而为用户提供令人惊叹的视觉体验。

今年,联想公司推出的增强现实智能手机Phab 2 Pro能识别物体,在手机屏幕上显示物体的相关信息。明年,智能手机更多配置的深度学习技术有望使手机变得更友好。例如,设备能获悉硬件如何被特定应用使用,从而更好地调节功率从而提升电池的寿命。智能手机当然也能通过在线服务识别图像和语音,而深度学习让手机不联网就能实现这些功能。


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