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published in(发表于) 2016/12/8 9:10:13 Edit(编辑)
Small eyes provoke who? Man New Zealand face-recognition systems confused

Small eyes provoke who? Man New Zealand face-recognition systems confused(眼睛小招惹谁了?华裔男子让新西兰脸部识别系统犯晕)



Small eyes provoke who? Man New Zealand face-recognition systems make Halo-IT information

Small eyes well outside the spotlight or have any special skills? New Zealand a Chinese student who used personal experience to prove small eyes can confuse facial recognition systems.

22 Lee (Richard Lee) was born in Taiwan and New Zealand grew up, are New Zealand citizens. He is a DJ, Melbourne, is currently studying Aerospace Engineering and business administration.

In order to be able after the Christmas holidays to Australia to go to school, Lee prepared to update their earlier New Zealand passports. 6th, his New Zealand passport photos check the website of the Ministry of the Interior submitted his photo, but does suggest that he submitted the photo does not meet the requirements of the system, because "eyes open".

But in the photo, Lee's eyes are open.

Screenshot submission. Photo: Facebook

In a CNN interview, Lee said he later tried a few pictures to no avail, so calling in New Zealand the Ministry of the Interior. Staff told him that because of his "eye shadow and face uneven lighting, lead to recognition software."

Lee had to go again some pictures eventually managed to have a system to identify and successfully submitted.

The Black Dragon event, Lee said "get down from the Chair. I know their eyes are small, it doesn't matter to me, but it seems the computer is aware of this problem. Too funny. ”

Later, Lee's own story on Facebook, triggering laughter and discussions of netizens. Have good friends to help build a new picture, I hope this recognition through the system.

There is one think technology has become racially.

But Lee doesn't think so. He said his eye is very small, the facial recognition system is not so advanced, so "I'm not unhappy."

Problems faced by Lee, New Zealand responded, a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior, the Department uses recognition software is "one of the most advanced technology in the world," but "more than 20% photos submitted online will be rejected due to various reasons." Lee received tips are just "General error".

The spokesman also said, the website provides all kinds of help information to the user, to facilitate submission meets the required passport photos.

The daily mail after tests found that eyes received information that the applicant did not open help tips are: "photograph, make sure that the eyes are open again. ”

For a facial recognition system for racial differences in the issues, there have been discussions.

Early in 2009, HP's dynamic tracking camera is being questioned. From the United States of two colleagues-a white woman and a black man, testing dynamic tracking cameras, found that cameras can only track lock white women, and in the face of black men, they were out of.

The test immediately after the videos were put on Youtube has become a hot video, many users are starting to talk about whether there are racial differences of this technology. HP responded that this may be related to light, "in the foreground in low light situations, camera added to the contrast there will be difficulties".

Other bodies were later tested the camera, found under normal lighting conditions, camera in when chasing black men do not sensitive, normal operation only in the case of additional lighting.

In 2010, an Asian woman using a Nikon camera and found each other or laugh when her mother took her, the camera will prompt "If someone blinked." Only when her brother try to open your eyes, "bug-eyed a photograph, will prompt stop."

Photo: network

In April this year in the Atlantic Monthly published an article on the facial recognition systems is discussed. Points out that in 2011, a study found that China, Japan, and Korea developed algorithms are easier to identify East Asian faces, and France, and Germany and the United States it is more effective to develop algorithms to identify people of Caucasian facial features.

In 2012, the United States suspects in Pinellas County, Florida researchers used photos of three algorithms were tested facial recognition systems company. Study finds, the three companies of the algorithm to identify photos of suspects of African origin white suspects than recognition accuracy difference between 5% and 10%.

But too little as the number of related studies, the paper speculated that this racial difference is not deliberate.

Article speculated that engineers in the design of algorithms focused on facial features may be more easy to identify in a group, but in another group will have a different situation. For example, the width of the shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, and so on. Historical data collection and related errors may exist.

Another possibility is that the engineer in designing algorithm draws on his experience, which in itself would be an engineer my race ...

眼睛小招惹谁了?华裔男子让新西兰脸部识别系统犯晕 - IT资讯


22岁的李(Richard Lee)出生于台湾,在新西兰长大,是新西兰公民。他是一名DJ,目前正在墨尔本学习航天工程和工商管理。
























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