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published in(发表于) 2016/12/3 11:36:57 Edit(编辑)
6 derivative in the circle of friends sold fake cigarettes: illegal sales of up to 2 million Yuan,

6 derivative in the circle of friends sold fake cigarettes: illegal sales of up to 2 million Yuan,(6微商在微信朋友圈卖假烟:非法销售额高达200万元,)



6 derivative in the circle of friends sold fake cigarettes: illegal sales of up to 2 million-IT information

China sold 700 Yuan a cigarette through derivative with 270 Yuan price buy? Recently, Nanjing xixia police seized a fake cigarette warehouses, containing counterfeit cigarettes worth millions. Led by the police, was found selling these fake cigarettes 6 suspects, micro-circle of friends is the base they sold counterfeit cigarettes.

Modern Express Reporter, here in the derivative, the vast majority of cigarettes their price is only around half the market price. A Chinese cigarettes costs 700 Yuan on the market, through which the derivative as long as 250-270 you can buy. Police said the 6 suspects are young, in which 3 people were "after the", according to the statistics, in the past two years, their circle of friends sold fake cigarette sales as high as more than 2 million Yuan.

Suspect account Yuan Mou, he sold cigarettes are usually true blend sold, the average person can't tell.

At present, the six people involved four people have been arrested by qixia, there are two other people have been released on bail pending trial, the case still pending further.

Police advise

Belonging to the State monopoly on tobacco, any acts of unauthorized sales of tobacco, were deemed illegal. Meanwhile, he knows bear a counterfeited registered trademark goods on sale, sale amount is larger, to three years ' imprisonment or criminal detention, or be fined; huge amount of sales amounts, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to seven years and fined. People buying expensive goods, as far as possible to the regular shop to purchase. For prices far below the market price of goods, to be vigilant.

6微商在微信朋友圈卖假烟:非法销售额高达200万元 - IT资讯







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