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published in(发表于) 2016/12/1 4:14:34 Edit(编辑)
Volvo will produce the world’s largest bus: body 30 metres long, with 300 seats,

Volvo will produce the world’s largest bus: body 30 metres long, with 300 seats,(沃尔沃将产全球最大巴士:车身30米长,拥有300个座位,)



Volvo will produce the world's largest bus: body 30 metres long, has a 300-seat-IT information

According to several media reports such as the Motor 1, Volvo will invest about 30 meters long, and has 300 passenger buses, it was known as Gran Arctic 300, will be the world's largest producer of buses.

Gran Arctic 300 bent double joint design, bus, five-door, four-axis, will be the first to enter Brazil market. In Brazil, Volvo has been producing big buses, Gran Arctic 300 Volvo designed specifically for Brazil market development the second of two joints of bus after in 1990 developed a 270-seat models, but is often used as passenger capacity for 150, 180 and 210 of the bus.

(Gran Artic 300 chassis)

Volvo says Gran Artic 300 such buses to reduce congestion, reduce emissions, and help to reduce the waiting time for passengers during peak. Because of the large volume, cannot be ordinary share normal road vehicles, therefore, Gran Artic 300 dedicated bus rapid transit is the bus will be driven on the road.

Latin America says Fabiano Todeschini, President of Volvo Bus, the bus will initially in Latin America launched, but Volvo is driving the popularity of bus rapid transit network in the world, so maybe it won't be much longer, it will be extended to all over the world on the dedicated Express bus lanes.

沃尔沃将产全球最大巴士:车身30米长,拥有300个座位 - IT资讯

据《Motor 1》等多家媒体报道,沃尔沃将投入生产约30米长,拥有300个乘客座位的超级巴士,它被称为Gran Arctic 300,将是世界上最大的巴士。

Gran Arctic 300采用弯曲的双关节设计,公共汽车五门,四轴,将最早进入巴西市场。在巴西,沃尔沃一直在生产巨型巴士,Gran Arctic 300是沃尔沃专门为巴西市场研发的第二种双关节巴士,此前在1990年代就开发出包含270个座位的的车型,但实际往往使用的是乘客容纳量为150、180和210的巴士。

(Gran Artic 300底盘)

沃尔沃表示,Gran Artic 300这种公共汽车可以减少拥塞,减少尾气排放,有助于减少高峰时段乘客的等待时间。由于其体积巨大,无法和普通车辆共享正常交通道路,因此,Gran Artic 300公共汽车将在专用快速公交车道上行驶。

拉丁美洲沃尔沃客车总裁Fabiano Todeschini表示,这款公共汽车最初将在拉丁美洲推出,但沃尔沃正在推动全球公共汽车快速公交网络的普及,所以也许过不了多长时间,它也会推广到世界各地的专用快速公交车道上。

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