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published in(发表于) 2016/11/27 22:02:22 Edit(编辑)
Do not rely on light refraction: artists create beautiful artificial Rainbows,

Do not rely on light refraction: artists create beautiful artificial Rainbows,(不靠光线折射:艺术家打造美艳人造彩虹,)



Do not rely on light refraction: artists create beautiful man-made Rainbows-IT information

A spectacular Rainbow appears in a Museum Gallery, but eyes confused tourists. This works by Mexico artists Gabriel Dawe built, he let visitors eye illusion, mistakenly think that they really see this natural phenomenon indoors. Gabriel Dawe's work named Plexus No.35, specially designed for Ohio's Toledo Museum of art galleries.

This beautiful Rainbow actually is not the result of light refraction. It takes advantage of human illusion, the artificial "Rainbow" is actually made up of thousands of thin colored cotton. From a distance, the under the Rainbow is leaked from the top window in the middle of distorted and then straight into the ground. Using sparse and dense orchestration, create a color or with fiction.

Gabriel Dawe said that this is not just a static work, people on the move while it is moving. Paper presented on the pages that change is nearly impossible, because this change cannot be captured with the camera. A person may be able to take a good photograph, but difficult to describe feelings toward this work.

It is reported that the artificial Rainbow will be on display in the Museum until January 22, 2017.

不靠光线折射:艺术家打造美艳人造彩虹 - IT资讯

一条壮观的彩虹在一个博物馆画廊出现,却把游客的眼睛给搞糊涂了。这一作品由墨西哥艺术家Gabriel Dawe一手打造,他让游客的眼睛产生了错觉,误以为他们真的在室内看到了这一自然现象。Gabriel Dawe的作品名为Plexus No.35,是专为俄亥俄州托莱多艺术博物馆画廊而设计。


Gabriel Dawe表示,这不仅仅只是一个静止的作品,人们在移动的同时它也在移动着。要在书页纸张上呈现出这种变化基本上是不可能的,因为这一变化无法用相机进行捕捉。一个人也许能拍出一张好照片,但却很难具体的描述出面对这一作品时的感受。


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