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published in(发表于) 2016/11/26 7:04:25 Edit(编辑)
Iran tragic collision between two trains: at least 36 people dead and 98 injured,

Iran tragic collision between two trains: at least 36 people dead and 98 injured,(伊朗两列火车惨烈相撞:至少36人死98伤,)



Iran tragic collision between two trains: at least 36 people were killed and 98 injured-IT information

Iran media reported on 25th, that morning, the Northern Semnan province, collided with a train, killing at least 36 people were killed and another 98 injured.

Iran Farr news agency reported that the accident took place at local time around 7:45 A.M., two passenger trains is located in the province of Semnan, Iran collided near a train station between and damuganshi, two cars burst into flames. Reports quoted local officials as saying that accidents have killed at least 36 people were killed and another 98 injured.

Initial police investigations revealed, triggered by recent cold weather freeze power train control system is the cause of the accident. Current minimum temperature in the region has reached lingxia12sheshidu.

伊朗两列火车惨烈相撞:至少36人死98伤 - IT资讯




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